[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 36 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yeah. Foundries/manufacturing processes last decades. I feel like Reddit/Lemmy is very consumer electronics focused, so they think anything worse than TSMC's N3 process is literally unusable garbage (slight exaggeration but I'm sure you get my point)

Plus this isn't the most advanced process they can make. We know for a fact they at least have 90nm lithography machines, they just weren't made in-house like this one. And it's undeniable they're smuggling stuff in from other countries. Like do people really think Russia has no modern GPUs for things like simulations? Pull the other one.

This, unfortunately, is certainly a big deal and will be very important to Russia. Hence why they sought to do it in the first place.

Are they a threat to countries like the US, UK, France, etc? Of course not. But Russia seemingly transitioning themselves to a war-based economy should be concerning for people regardless.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

There's a lot of doom and gloom online about this, but to me these seem like welcome changes 🤷

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I guess we'll see how Qualcomm's chips turn out. Right now we only have synthetic benchmark leaks, which look good, but ARM CPUs often look good in synthetic workloads only to fall short in real ones, particularly when compared against an X86 system.

The rumour mill is also saying that AMD will be making ARM CPUs in a while - allegedly, they formed an ARM design team in order to try to get the Nintendo Switch 2 contract, but Nintendo stuck with Nvidia because they don't want any potential issues with Switch 1 backwards compatibility.

AMD then kept this design team and will be making laptop SoCs now that ARM on Windows is starting to mature and Qualcomm's exclusivity deal (yes, they had an exclusivity deal. That's why all current Windows ARM machines are Qualcomm) is ending.

Not actually the first time AMD has worked on ARM. They made K12, but it was scrapped in favour of Zen when it was clear AMD only had the resources to work on one architecture.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

From the video, he highlighted Fractal Design and Arctic to be really really excellent.

However, while being in the PC parts industry, they don't really overlap all that much with Asus.

Anecdotally I can say that BeQuiet for me has been superb. But again, they're not really an Asus competitor. The closest would probably be MSI or Gigabyte, both of whom have had their own issues as well, though perhaps not as bad.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Nice Red Dwarf shirt

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Assuming that's true, most of the oil tends to clump together. 2000L doesn't just perfectly disperse out across billions of litres of water, contaminating everything.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

I have an overall good opinion of the guardian as a news source, but almost every time I see an opinion piece on their site, it's utter dogshit. It's as if they go out of their way to find the absolute worst articles.

But they do get shared a lot, which I guess is what they were going for?

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm sure Jensen appreciates all the simping you do on his behalf.

(Btw that's sarcasm, in case it flew over your head. He doesn't know you exist.)

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Ah yeah, losers are people who use their computers to run recreational software, as opposed to the people who come onto social media and cry about people using their hardware recreationally, who definitely aren't losers in the slightest.

That was sarcasm, by the way. I'm calling you a loser.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Cool beans, petrosimp. I'll even give you the opportunity to get the final word in, since you clearly want it. Go ahead.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

It really isn't implied at all.

I genuinely don't mean this in a nasty way: I think you need more experience in talking to actual human beings face to face. The misunderstanding you have here is probably down to rusty communication skills.

[-] TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

Oh shut up. Honestly what a loser take.

"How dare you play games on your PC!!! I'm the arbiter of what people do on their PCs and I say games are banned!!"

Jesus Christ, get a life.

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