For quite a few seconds I thought the guy in the middle was informing the ladies they are banned for not respecting the hyphen. It's Spider-Man, not Spiderman!
Looks like My Dress-Up Darling.
And between knowing Excel like you've described and knowing only the basics exists an uncanny valley of being able to create some truly revolting abominations. Additionally when all you know is Excel, every problem becomes a spreadsheet, for better or for worse (usually the latter).
Can you summarize their reaction to BG3? You got me intrigued.
I quite enjoy Doom Eternal, but it's true it's a very different game from Doom (2016). You either vibe with the combat flow the game enforces or you don't. There is exactly one way to play it, by rotating between all the abilities as they go off their cooldowns, so you can keep restoring your ammo, HP and armor respectively.
Only because it's a game big enough for the relevant people to take notice. A smaller game would just stay broken, due to some suit's whims. This practice needs to end.
Ah yes, just what Florida needs: even more closeted everything.
More like digital wrongs management.
What's the issue exactly?
This response from the Kagi founder seems to be quite solid.
Sounds... at worst just as bad as using Microsoft's or Google's search results. I get that the Brave CEO is a POS but Google and Microsoft are Google and Microsoft.
So basically a drama over nothing?