
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (9 children)

Is there a media server that allows accounts to have groups of profiles?

Even emby, or jellyfin don't support this. Really wish they did. Then I can give each household a single account for their device and have a netflix like experience

edit: what I'm looking for is user groups, or nested users. So AccountA contains UserA1, UserA2 etc and AccountB contains UserB1, UserB2, and so on

[–] -2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

But then I also pay for shipping separately

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Because there's still a strong football/soccer community there, along with Reddit

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

People will always push the limits. That leeway is there for specific situations where you'd need to speed up to avoid something or even for those who are slightly speeding without realising

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

Other way round in the UK lol. Disposable vapes are around £10 and cigarettes are usually about £15 (?)

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

Sweden? I know VPNs tend to like Sweden from a privacy standpoint

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Haha thanks for reading!

And yeah it took me a few tries to get into stardew. Mainly because I was playing a simple looking game on a beefy desktop pc, it didn't sit right with me

The deck however, being in bed and playing stardew?? Hell yeah

Not every game is for everyone, if you don't like it fair enough and move on! But I will say it gets very addicting once you've learned the game and played through the first "season"

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

Probably their style. It kind of works

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

What if I enjoy my time in bed to the point where I'll happily go as early as 7pm so I have more time to game or watch something? (I have no TV, just phone, laptop and a handheld console)

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

They feel like a standard Xbox/PS4 controller to me, which feels good imo

They aren't rattly or get stuck. The positioning of thumbsticks could be lower, and the L1/R1 could be easier to reach like a controller but nothing terrible

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's a game that requires next to no focus to play. Perfect for putting on a podcast and relaxing. Probably best for those who enjoy driving. Not everyone's cup of tea tho, I get that

As for the UI, if it's like ets2, it's dated but not too bad. It is an old but very good truck driving game

Especially after you configure it with control settings on the deck. It has native steam input support so all controls are configured on the deck menus itself.

It's really easy, I have right touchpad for looking around and using the mouse in menus, and back paddles to signals, center camera and toggle lights

For some reason, I simply focus so much better when playing ets2 lool. I can't listen to podcasts any other way, my mind always wonders

[–] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Started going through my backlog a couple months ago. I want to give all worthy games a chance, preferably complete before I think about buying another

Started by cutting out all the trash from my library, bringing it from 110 to about 30. I then used a decky plugin to split the games up into:

  • Playing
  • Story Backlog
  • Non-story backlog

I will have max 1 story game in my "playing" group and a bunch of non story games when I want a relaxed, not mentally focused session

Dying light - on hold after ~10 hours

too scary and the strength and stamina of the guy is annoyingly low. The idea of playing it sounds really fun, so I'll probably pick it back up when I feel like playing a scary game

stardew valley - completed main story/objective (the community center). Took me ~80 hours

the only game I've completed this year but I mean it when I say I loved that game. Couldn't put it down, even played for 8 hours straight once; which is very rare for adult me. Only stopped playing because I felt burnt out after nearly 80 hours. There's still content for me to get back to when I want

the Witcher 3 - currently my "in progress" major story game

About 10 hours into my second attempt at a playthrough. Wow what a game. No spoilers at all pls even if it's something that happens at the start

Dishonoured - abandoned after 9 hours

It's a fun game, the story is okay but it's just not gripping me. It's a meh game. I abandoned it when I realised I kept procrastinating it and moved onto the Witcher 3 (thank goodness I did!!). Small chance I try again in the future.

Bully - abandoned after 8 hours

This game did not age well at all.

Very fun idea but it's too old to enjoy. Controls too clunky, missions are too basic, doesn't run smoothly and just a bad experience overall. The missions are also very basic.

Some of the casual, short session games I currently have in the rotation:

  • Brawlhala - just downloaded, seems fun.
  • Vampire survivors - lives up to the hype 100%
  • Forza horizon 5 - my virtual Sunday drive
  • Hotline Miami - stuck on a level! Quite a difficult game
  • Doom 2016 - one mission per month is enough for me!
  • Dirt rally 1 - have to be in a specific mood to play this!

Some games in my story Backlog (in no order):

  • GTA IV - up next after I finish TW3
  • Fallout 4 - I hate bugs and spiders though D:
  • RDR2 - played prologue already
  • Shadow of modor
  • Shadow warrior

I just realised I put so much effort into a comment no one will read 🙃 it's too late to delete now, I ain't getting my time back so neither are you ;)

Now im doubling down and giving all the info!! I've got nothing better to do (apart from the fact I should have been asleep 2 hours ago)

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