Subway has got just the worst taste in men
Honestly these guys are both the smartest and stupidest folks imaginable at the same time - I'm just glad it's the Russians they're screwing over this time haha
The goals of the war being?...
Oh right, the destruction of every non-Israeli living in Gaza.
Why else would they go after Hospitals treating innocent Palestinian victims?
Why else would they spend months and months denying any and all foreign aid to Gaza after cutting them off from all food, water, and electricity?
Why else would they airstrike clearly marked aid convoys for Gaza going along a pre-agreed route?
Why else would members of the IDF record thselves killing innocent Palestinians?
Why else would they oppose any and all peace deals, and openly plot to betray any and all ceasefires?
Israel has killed more than 30,000 innocent people. You can't just call that collateral or even callous disregard, it's mass murder, a genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
Hamas are not good guys by any stretch, but if you're being morally high-grounded by a terrorist organisation, then you ought to know which side of history you're on.
Edit: Israeli not Israelite
The idea of copyright itself isn't a bad thing IMO - reward creatives by allowing them exclusivity over their works for an amount of time sufficient to recoup costs and make some profit.
Problem is monopolistic mega-corporations screwed it all up in the name of profits by extending copyright decades past its original intention, and by copyrighting not just the works but even the means of accessing any of them.
It's no secret that the reuse of public domain inspirations was how many of the largest entertainment companies and largest publishers got to where they are, so of course they pulled the ladder to ensure it'd be a whole lot harder to follow them.
Copyright is broken, and you only need follow the money to see who broke it.
Party of Free Hate Speech
The one sponge to rule them all
No, but it's on a similar scale as far as Boeing is concerned.
Exactly. This is like if you charged the average person $1 for causing a major motorway accident.
It's a joke of a fine in the face of Boeing's profits - basically telling them they can get away with severe and wreckless disregard for human life in return for just over a week's profits.
That doesn't really factor into anything.
If the military backs the system, they'd win that fight as they'll always be better armed.
That's why the founding fathers never wanted a standing military, because it took power away from the people - now more than ever.
You're right, but I was making a point, as social media is most often where you hear people calling for revolution.
I'll agree that strikes can work, especially employment strikes - but that's usually because there's a specific, private entity to target, an employer to back into the metaphorical corner.
As far as protesting/striking against the system, you need only look at the strikes and protests relating Palestine to know what kind of force such a revolutionary strike would be met with.
And that is why you should always test newfound superpowers on a small scale before blowing your load on freezing time for 6 months you depraved Anon