That's a classic carbrain bias shortcut. The driver think: there is no car, I can go, instead of: there is no {bike, motorbike, child, rock, car, anything } so I can go.
I guess the temperature down there is +100 °F
There is some academic research on internet voting system that aim to be troll and bot resistant and be overall better. There is a website that allow to vote for Youtube video here : . If you are good in mathematics, the research papers may be interesting.
That's a kind of voting mechanism that I'll love seeing implemented in the Fediverse
That's my biggest problem with bike commuting, I don't walk anymore. I can leave it just in front of stores, there is a bike rack just next to my office entrance, etc... I walked a lot more when I was car commuting
There is a cycle path all along, does that mean that bicycles are not allowed to use it or that they have to take it instead of the road?
Are you asking for a live stream of the ship sinking ?
nice whiskers
That's the only lemmings I knew
It's my fault apparently
When they are looking for a mate, their cries make your blood run cold. And it's obviously in the middle of the night. Other than that, I have nothing against
Good move, I've done the same
You should also wear a fireproof coverall, who know