[-] SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social 6 points 2 hours ago

Not kidding, at least 7 of these bullet points sound "wacko extreme-left" by the standards of American politics. The modern conservative version is:

  • Party over principle

  • Government exists to protect the prerogatives of the people at the top of the hierarchy

  • No dissent allowed

  • The vote must be restricted to people who vote as we like

  • Christianity is the basis of government

  • Government control over the most fundamental of opinions, like about one's own personal identity

  • The well-regulated militia clause is moot, the right to arms is absolute

  • SCOTUS can make profound changes at will, even to the Constitution itself

The above is what most people think when they hear "conservative" these days.

[-] SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social 2 points 2 hours ago

Right. To us, the phrase "law and order" means a peaceful society that results from everybody obeying the rules. To the MAGA/authoritarian crowd, it means exercising the power of the state (law) to maintain the correct social hierarchy (order). And guess who's on top of that hierarchy?

[-] SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Maybe we ought to take a cue from Vietnam.

GM's next truck model?

No, I think that the metaphor is very apt. I've heard the same argument that we must vote for the lesser evil to stop the greater evil for my entire adult life, yet here we are, on the brink of outright authoritarianism. That voting strategy has failed utterly.

How do I vote left? How do I support turning away from the chasm, when anything other than "fast" or "slow" is throwing my vote away?

Yes, I'm not telling people how to vote. I just want to make clear that a vote for Biden is far, far from the ultimate solution.

You're on the train headed over the edge of a chasm with only two throttle settings: fast and slow. You need to set the throttle to the slowest position. That's it. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake, so don't even try to think about stopping the train.

Look, the democratic system of the United States (and some other countries now) is kind of a historical novelty, and its political and economic power is not an axiom. It can, and will, be lost someday. If blithely shrugging our shoulders and picking the least-worst option election after election isn't working, well, we can look forward to the plunge off the lip of the chasm, or we can try to change the system.

I understand that many people are satisfied with the "slow" option, or at least in denial, but please accept that many of us are not.

[-] SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social 12 points 4 days ago

Okay, you do the high-speed rail. I was gonna say 15-minute cities, so I'll do that. We'll attack the same major problems from complementary angles.

I have no direct evidence, but it's not at all far-fetched. The Obama administration set up a coordinated effort to share intelligence and plan tactics for the crackdown on Occupy Wall Street across the FBI, state and local police forces, and the banks themselves. The uniformity and brutality of the response to the university anti-genocide protests is... curious, at least.

[-] SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

If you can assign a second IP address to the network interface, then just do so, and bind the docker container to one, and Adguard Home to the other. Otherwise, the reverse proxy based on the server name is the way.

As a sailor, the overhand knot is mostly useful to know as a cautionary tale. If you tie one in the lines on my boat, I might throw you overboard. Never tie a plain overhand knot. It jams up under load, and is near-impossible to untie. It also weakens the rope by crushing the fibers.

Make a figure-8 if you need a stopper knot.

Well, my whole point here is that DJT is a symptom of the much deeper disease. It won't be him in 2028. It will be another authoritarian, and we can count on that.


Kelly: Is there a downside? I'm thinking of people trying to find a parking place, for starters.

Horowitz: So we see that in places that have actually eliminated parking minimums, that we see fewer people driving at all and having cars and we see vehicle miles traveled decrease because people can get around via other mechanisms.

Well, now, would you look at that?! If we change the incentives, if we stop incentivizing driving by law, people change their behavior. In this case, they can save a ton of money by not needing a car.


Madison, WI's Honor Among Thieves, live at The Harmony Bar and Grill. Recorded by Steve Gotcher for the 105.5 radio show "Mad City Live" Halloween 1997. Some of the tunes were on the band's 1998 album, "Primordial Soup du Jour", but not this wild and crazy one.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social to c/cranetrainexcavators@lemmy.world

A crane lifts pads for the hands-free mooring system at the Welland Canal locks into place. Credit: Michel Gosselin. Video and more photos here.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Yeah, basically that. I'm back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It's not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I've encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?

ETA: I've learned from reading the responses that the Windows troubleshooters primarily look for missing or broken drivers, and sometimes fix things just by restarting a service, so they're useful if you have troublesome hardware.


In the past several days, I've noticed that comments that I make on this instance to cross-instance communities started to take up to several hours to propagate to the community's home instance, and now do not seem to propagate at all.

I've noticed the issue on lemmy.world, lemmynsfw.com, and lemmy.ml. Several comments I made today in a programming.dev community went through more or less instantly, though.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Lake Mendota Beach Bum (midwest.social)

Last week on the UW-Madison campus.

UW-Madison Arboretum (midwest.social)

It's just a photo from a budget phone, but I figured I'd share this Sunday afternoon scene from the middle of Madison.


They say that if you want to get away with murder, use a car as the weapon. By the way, Wisconsin has no jaywalking law, so they're letting a killer off the hook for, like, reasons?


"There’s probably nothing that we do that causes more suffering to wild animals than driving."

Just North American Things (www.facebook.com)

Lost cause or not, this is still typical of the traffic infrastructure we're building. Notice, this is a designated "bicycle boulevard."

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joined 11 months ago