
joined 1 year ago
[–] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Not always true, I bought a smart talk phone for my kid and the phone was paid in full at the time of purchase. It's still carrier locked 5 years later because they say "it wasn't in service for x amount of time and therefore isn't eligible". I even reported this to the FCC, opened a case, and they did fuckall and closed the report.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Holy FUCK, that's crazy high!

[–] 14 points 2 months ago

They're probably still bolting the loose panels back on.

Would you want to ride in that Boeing rattletrap? I wouldn't.

The remote for the TV in the adjacent room is often in the kitchen, as the tv will be on when I'm cooking.

Chai and kitties, 2 of my favorite things

I'd upvote twice if I could

[–] 360 points 3 months ago (12 children)

Do it. I dare ya. Keep digging. It's fun watching the hole get deeper while you disappear into the darkness.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Is there any apical tip left? Looks more like a top than a FIM to me but hey, as long as it gets you there.

Is he gonna start protecting us?


[–] 15 points 3 months ago

Monkeys flinging shit: the science version

[–] 55 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Victim complex / projection

I've never seen science try to take away people's rights, let alone thoughts.

I've seen religion do both, though.



Picked up a 40w D4V2 8xSST10 UV Mule from jlhawaii808. Build quality is fantastic and service was super fast! Loving the new trinket.


My Lab flashlights are slowly getting replaced with enthusiast lights... I am OK with this :) (the gray one is a green laser)


What are the community's thoughts on LEP lights? I don't have one, but am sort of interested in getting one just to have something uniquely powerful. What's out there, and what do people think about them? Stuff to avoid? Stuff to look at?


D4V2 with domed 5700k 519a + W1 ambers. DT8 with Nichia 4500k and 2000k E21's, frosted glass. Just got the DT8 with the Nichia pattern. Pretty happy with it so far. Like having 2x D4's in one :)


Spotted in town last summer...


I got a bug in my drawers to upgrade my printers to full linear... I print so much I keep wearing out the bearing wheels and have to replace them more regularly than I care for.

I've been working on and testing this design, and am very happy with is so far. I'm cranking out prints at 150mm/s with the stock hotend. I have a new heat brake and block to install that should get me up to 250mm/s.

I'll be redesigning the parts once more before I release, but this should be a full retrofit that reuses most of the original parts, and preserves the original part offsets so you don't lose any build area space. The final design will be a lot cleaner and more refined than blocky test parts. I'll be designing and releasing my own hotend cooling system as well that will incorporate a second 5015 blower for parts cooling.

More to follow!


cross-posted from:

My old collector has been giving me issues, so I designed a new one that bolts into a 5 gallon bucket. It's easy to print, easy to assemble, and works very well. I've published it to thingiverse for others to enjoy. There are a few adapters published that include the HFT Bauer mini shop vac (for suction) and 1.75" utility hose that is standard to most regular shop vacs.

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