[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 11 points 11 hours ago

Bullshit - Al Capone at least realized that Nazis were bad….the first time around.

(Apologies for the terrible source. The article itself is factual and worth the read)

In Chicago — a city where boardinghouse signs plainly announced “No Jews or dogs allowed” — he reached out to Jake “Greasy Thumb” Guzik. Guzik was Chicago’s senior Jewish boss, right-hand man to Al Capone.   

Guzik happily said “I do” when Perlman asked if he knew people who could punch a Nazi.


[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 4 points 15 hours ago

lol I love that movie for just this reason - it’s so bad it’s good and the cast is fantastic.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 2 points 17 hours ago

It was the one thing that consistently relieved some of my ADHD boredom though, which is priceless lol

I wish I could be like some of the other commenters here and say that leaving Reddit has been good because of the time suck that it was, or that I’m self-hosting xyz, but I can’t. And I am truly jealous.

I’m still looking to scratch that itch and there’s…nothing. I’m just very bored now but I haven’t gone back because I’m so angry at the way it ended. I do like Lemmy a lot, and Mastodon since I also gave up Twitter, but for better or worse they were a big part of my life and I’m not doing amazing things and coming to wonderful realizations now that they’re gone. It’s just depressing all around.

I volunteer in disaster response, and hurricane season started today and Reddit and Twitter were huge resources for us. Do you know how much of a loss that is? That can’t be replaced…entire communities, regions, parishes, counties, cities, states…they aren’t going to magically swap from one service to another because spez and Space Karen are assholes.

I’m sorry for the rant but enshittification sucks and I am sad.

TLDR I agree with you, OP.

Man…I just spent way too much time on the site mentioned in the article and TLDR I am worried. Very worried.

Damn. That’s some depressing perspective right there.

Thanks so much! That makes me feel really good…I’m often told that I take too long to get to the point so this is honestly appreciated. :)

The lifeguard seemed particularly triggered by the turquoise and pink stripes on the original Pride flag designed by Gilbert Baker, which represent magic and sex, respectively.

Gonna go out on a limb and say that this man is no fun at parties.

Agreed…the quality never really went down, but the current content has that bite that early Onion pieces did. The early Onion was great but also new and something we really hadn’t seen before (by early Onion I mean Internet Onion, not the strictly print version).

This is the Onion that we all know and love, and have for years, but the more recent satire is so much more rough and blunt and raw that it elicits a similar reaction to the fresh, new Onion whose content was consistently a shocking yet laugh-until-you-cry experience because it hadn’t yet become routine. It’s like they said “Hold my absolute one last fuck that I had been saving for an emergency”.

Basically they’ve managed to reinvent the shock value, if that makes sense.

Damn that was wordy. I hope my point comes across.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I really didn’t have an answer because I wasn’t expecting the question, lol, but I kind of managed to come up with something like “Well….the show ended and you went away. You just kinda left.”

It was lame but all I could manage to think of on the fly. He just kind of laughed. It was a good experience, all of the main TNG bridge crew were there except for Jean-Luc and Wesley (who were originally supposed to be, that was a disappointment, but it was still fun).

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You can never have too much Riker….(the 14 year old girl who was me, waiting impatiently for TNG to come on…for the sci-fi…and the Riker).

I met Jonathan Frakes at a con once and told him I had the biggest crush on him when I was a teenager. He said, “Well what changed?”

Riker gonna Riker lol

And also veterans’ healthcare (like Jon Stewart).


New research finds that the microscopic “water bears" are remarkably good at repairing their DNA after a huge blast of radiation.


I upgraded from a 13 Pro to a 15 Pro. So far the only internet I’ve connected to since I got the phone is at home, but with 2 different networks (one is 5g but otherwise same router and everything).

I never updated the 13 Pro to iOS 17 because I knew I would be upgrading soon, but I never had this issue with any former phone and have been on this same internet setup since 2016.

I have an iPad Mini 6 that I did update to iOS 17, and it’s fine.

I’ve tried resetting network settings, turning off Wi-Fi assist, turning off networking and wireless in location services-> system services (saw that as a potential fix), and restarting multiple times, but it still randomly drops my WiFi signal on both home networks.

Everything else wrt network/connection on my previous phone is the same - VPN setup, etc.

My SO has a 14 pro & did update to 17 and does not have this problem.

Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve searched for answers and I see that this has been an issue off and on for the past few years, but one of the fixes I mentioned above usually seems to help I guess because I haven’t seen any other suggestions.

Could it be the phone itself? Is it worth exchanging it for another one before the 2 weeks runs out?

Thanks everyone.


Long story short, I ran into Lae’zel in the cage just after we wake up on the beach in the very beginning.

I went by her and reloaded for reasons, but accidentally went a different way after that, forgot about it, & just realized she would be good to have as a Companion during combat.

I’m about to kill the goblins, and I went back for her at her previous location but she’s no longer there. Did I lose her for good, or is there still a chance?

Thanks everyone, I’m new to BG/D&D completely so apologies if this is a dumb n00b move, but I am one :)


Lemmios is my favorite iOS Lemmy app so far, but I find that when I go to upvote a comment using the voting button next to the commenter’s username (top), I inadvertently collapse the comment.

Would it be possible to have both voting buttons either on the right side like posts have, or at the bottom?

I understand gestures are an option, it’s just a personal preference with the voting buttons. Old habits die hard :)

And if this feature exists, I apologize for missing it. I have looked for it in the settings but did not see such an option. Thank you for such great work with Lemmios!

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joined 10 months ago