
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Alternatively, if you really prefer the rotating menu thing you could forget the food truck and do a supper club. Typically a reservation-only, once a week or once a month thing, or whenever you have time. If you could find a small local farm to partner with, they may be able to offer you dining or cooking space in return for showing off their veggies or something.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Hey, I think this may actually be fake. Did you notice the URL is rather than the one all their news articles typically come from,

There is a new trend of bad actors trying to impersonate big publications by changing the URL slightly and copying the website design. Some of them are very convincing. This one was hard to figure out because the NYT is indeed owned by NYT Company, but all news articles are posted through (with the exception of only this particular article). When you search for New York Times Company, doesn't even come up.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

How many hours of content are you watching every day? You don't need all of them. And it isn't some two year contract like cable is. You can cancel or resubscribe anytime. It would be more like if cable allowed you to split your bill into batches of channels and you could choose which ones you wanted to pay for every month.

[–] 17 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Which pundits actually said that? Most of what I've read, people were saying she did pretty well. But you sure got people here believing this meme.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Unfortunately Kroger is the cheapest option where I am. I refuse to support the dumpster fire that is Walmart. Every item at Albertsons and Safeway, especially produce, is at least 50 cents more expensive than at Kroger. Too bad Trader Joe's doesn't offer a little more selection. You can't even get a whole cabbage there.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Check out Scavenger's Reign. Most original and outright weird story I've seen in an anime in years. And the worldbuilding is amazing.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I guess I don't understand this "professional career oriented program." Is it like a grad school? Is there a good chance all or some of you will end up working with each other at the same employer later? There should be lots of other places to find a partner. You must have some kind of social life outside of this program, right?

Dating is hard, but breaking up in a mutual way where both people can still respect each other is even harder. Imagine the drama there will be after you've dated a few people from this group. People in the program may take you less seriously because they think you're just there to find dates. But this is your career. Shouldn't you take it seriously?

If you really want to date someone there, you can, if you're smart about it (and make sure it's worth the risk, not just for any passing crush). But don't try to manipulate the whole group in order to do that. Don't use the chats to try to get close to someone. Do any non-professional stuff outside of the program, away from the others. Don't bring your relationship drama into the program, especially if the relationship ends. Think of all these rules as practice for how you will need to act professionally in your future career. That's what this program is for, isn't it?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

According to the article, he was off duty. The mistake was letting him ride standby in the cockpit. The reason for his mental state doesnt really matter; he could have gotten drunk at the airport bar instead and pulled the same shit. What gets me is that none of the crew seemed to notice his altered mental state.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I want to be friends and stay professional overall, while tapping into potential with the guy I like

These things are not really compatible. The sooner you learn that, you will have a lot less workplace drama. Your professional workplace should not be a dating pool. There is no reason to exclude the other women. Who cares if one of them lied? Are you the moral police? Just chill, and let people do what they want. You don't need to control the situation.

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago

A lot of cities have started regulating (or even outright banning) Airbnbs. Get your neighbors on board and start a dialogue with your city council members.

There's not a lot you can do about corporations, but you can encourage other owners not to sell to shell companies.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I just couldn't believe that after all those years living completely different and separate lives, neither of them changed their hair at all. And since the adult twins were played by the same actor, I couldn't tell them apart aside from clothing.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What exactly do you propose the "normies" do? Is there some non-corporation making road-worthy cars? No? Let me guess, you want a family of 5 to bike 2 hours to the nearest school/park/grocery store in the snow on rural roads with no shoulder just to avoid paying a corporation? Take the nonexistent train?

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