Ukraine is busy decarbonizing Russia's economy 💚
Ukraine blew up the distilleries though.
It's the name of the town and the oil depot in it.
South Korea's intelligence agency is helping translate, and I assume provide context and take notes.
Absolutely - IQ is not a good measure at all. But we do know that lead is a neurotoxin that has an effect on cognition. That at least holds up.
That would be nice. But historically Canada has been content to be slightly leftward of the USA and to congratulate itself for it. If Mar-A-Gulago comes to pass, Canada will probably be happy with some intimidation and silencing of progressives. At least it's not USA!
Every election in 2024 has had incumbent parties lose vote share or lose elections. Canada is going the same way.
Also the current governing Liberals are center to center-right by European standards.
Stranded assets? Submerged assets.
I agree we need an explanation, however we can at this point discard the Clovis-first theory. Too much evidence has accumulated that people have been in the Americas for longer. Whether they died out or are the ancestors of Indigenous Americans is unknown. Perhaps we can discard the hypothesis that humans inevitably caused the megafauna extinctions. Your theory is plausible that it could have been a later technological or cultural change that led to the extinctions. But at this point we just need to accumulate evidence without any strict theory. Any new discovery could sink a theory, with such scant evidence of pre-Clovis ways of life. We know people were there but have little idea of how they lived.
A reminder that CS gas is banned as a weapon of war by the Geneva convention.
Fine for cops to use on people though.
AFAT: Assigned Female At Trump