[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I hate those “necessary evil” teachers.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Do the cool 3d printed climbing wheels

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

So…? Which is it?

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Mushroom lesson I did says that looking under the cap, spore color, what tree root system it’s growing in, can give you a really solid ID

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

lol, that’s hilarious. Never heard that one before.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Assuming he’s guilty

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

It’s just normal teenage girl stuff

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

No, but even for those of us with some extra money… we’re not building a savings pile for a house or anything… we’re just spending the extra on doing things and buying stuff beyond our needs.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world -2 points 1 week ago

Hard to pay people ma much with 5 ticket sales per game.

submitted 4 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/lemma@lemmy.world


On this comment thread, I can’t seem to generate a share with more than 3 total images, either 4 comments or 3 comments and OP both fail. Upon hitting share, nothing happens. At 3 or less images an output image is generated and the share sheet appears.

submitted 4 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/lemma@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/portland@lemmy.ml

Article goes into the suspects criminal history, which does involve weapon charges… but it’s unclear what exactly happened the night of that lead to his killing.

We should keep an eye on this, and all uses of force really.

submitted 4 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/lemma@lemmy.world

Visually it looks as if the refresh is done, and there’s nothing new. But then a few seconds later the inbox actually refreshes.

I expect the pinwheel to keep spinning until the refresh operation is complete.

As it stands, I pull to refresh, and just wait like 3 seconds to see if new messages pop up.

Obv not huge, just wanted to document the unexpected behavior.

submitted 4 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/portland@lemmy.ml

Learn to identify them and help remove them.

They’re edible and also make good fertilizer.

submitted 5 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Started reading this book by an ADHDer YouTuber I’ve been watching, and I think it’s really good so far. Only stop reading at page 42 cuz my wife turned off the lights for bed.

Anyone else reading it?

In case it’s not clear in the image: “How to ADHD” by Jessica McCabe

submitted 5 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/lemma@lemmy.world

Browsing all seems to generally be the best option for me with how I like to use the platform. But this does come along with a need to block lots of communities with content I known I’m never going to want.

So I’d like the ability to long press a post in c/all and click an option to block the community that the post is from.

Right now my flow is:

Post menu -> community -> community menu -> block community -> go back to c/all

This feature would remove 3 out of 5 of those actions.

Bonus if posts from that community are removed from the the feed immediately, maybe just new ones below the current location on the feed.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/bitwarden@discuss.tchncs.de

I’m hearing people really love 1password. I believe they also were the first ones to come up with a mobile-friendly implementation prior to iOS/Android support for third party password managers.

Seems like 1password has been and is on the ball as far as having the freshest features the fastest.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/lemma@lemmy.world

Lets see if it happens at all with this post. When im typing, sometimes a bunch of text (a repeat of previously typed text) shows up after my cursor, but then goes away again if i keep typing. Except, sometimes all that text actually stays and i end up with weird double-speak in my comments. I’m gonna try and see that it takes to make it do it again. It seems to only happen when I’m tap typing (as opposed to swyping)

Seems it didnt want to actually do the part where it inserts the duplicates text.

ex1 ex2


Their foot steps sound like they just have 2 pegs for feet… they hit so hard.

And they frequently, almost daily, spend the entire evening stomping around the entire footprint of their apartment.

Are there people who really just get the top floor, and think “I’m so smart, and everyone else can get fucked” then proceed to make all the fucking noise in the world?

submitted 5 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/portland@lemmy.ml

I'm hoping there's something decent available for the area, I've been scouring the internet and all I'm coming up with is:

  • Sporadic data from a couple of sources on National Allergy Bureau
  • Paid API's with questionable accuracy, since they offer 'hyperlocal' information for the whole globe.
  • Daily information that is super vague

In San Antonio, through the NAB, there was a daily M-F report with detailed allergen info. I really want that for Portland.

I want to know which specific allergens are in the air to help me figure out why I've been producing copious amounts of mucous this week, and be able to plan outdoor activities / meds with ample information.

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