As a reader of a certain web serial, watching her deal with not being an innate magic user by using spell cards was very fun. That world didn't know what hit them.
Does Floorp update when Firefox updates or does it require the Floorp devs to build in the FF updates?
A representative should do what is right, and that doesn’t necessarily mean what his constituents believe is right.
So lie to get into office just to do whatever you want? That sounds like a Republican. Ironic because it flies in the face of a what a representative is supposed to be.
Ok, so should the Federal Government slash Iowa's emergency response fund by the same amount? Iowa, bootstraps, etc.
I should. I use FF on my phone. It's just laziness and inertia at this point. I am surprised how usable Edge is compared to how people rag on it.
You wore a mask for one day when you had the FLU? Jesus fucking Christ.
The former probably. Person was either positive or positively exposed would be my guess.
Officers responded to the home of one justice on Thursday evening, but police said it appeared to be a “hoax report.”
Sounds like the justices are getting swatted.
The yule parts are good. The lights, the family, the drinking. Do what we can to chase the terror of the long night away.
Quote marks to search for a specific phrase in order doesn't work either. I remember in high school in the very early aughts being taught these operators. Fucking shameful.
I do not see that option under the Dropbox settings.