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[–] MrMakabar 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

On a strategic level it will be hard to not take it back. This makes Putin and Russia look extremely weak. The longer it takes Putin to take back that territory, the weaker he looks. This matters a lot. First of all a number of countries have withhold weapons to Ukraine, due to fear of escalation. If Putin can not do it, then that fear is gone. Even more important is Putin's support within Russia. If Putin looks weak, then somebody else might have some ideas about getting rid of him. That is a problem. Also public support is very likely taking a massive hit. Even if it does not lead to a revolution, it does bind armed forces needed to oppress the potential opposition. Those men are then unable to fight. Then you have other countries looking at the weakness of Russia and the opportunity that gives them. Belarus army just had to hand over a lot of weapons to Russia and I bet the Russian soldiers in Belarus are not armed very well. So just a imagine a revolution. Especially with a bunch of battle hardened Belorussians, who have thought in and for Ukraine. Georgia is another country looking at this. The current government is loyal to Putin, but they have an election coming up. There is a strong possibility that Georgians kick them out.

As for the tactical level, Russia has to move quickly as Ukraine is building defenses. It is much easier to take back land in Kursk then further south.

[–] MrMakabar 33 points 2 months ago (2 children)
[–] MrMakabar 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The problem is that the rich mainly make money from capital. Hence the lack of tax makes them even richer. Just removing taxes for the poor, would collapse government services, which in many ways protect them from the rich, while the rich would still see their wealth and power grow. Welcome to a disaster.

So tax the rich first, then lower taxes for the poor.

[–] MrMakabar 6 points 2 months ago

Also notice the language. climate change is "alarmist" and a "hoax". When you look at countries like Russia you can see that this kind of language can be easily turned into climate activist becoming "foreign agents" hurtung the US with "false news" and "missinformation". Hence they clearly have to be arrested. Obviously this is down the line, but it is not hard to find right wing comments about killing, arresting and otherwise removing leftist.

We already see that being talked about with "anti white racism" and the FBI supposed to be used to counter that, after the FBI would be palced directly under Trump, who is above the law as president. You get the picture.

[–] MrMakabar 2 points 2 months ago

Just use roofs.

[–] MrMakabar 4 points 2 months ago

Also you have to consider conventional hydro. The reservoirs have considerable storage capacity, which is obviously limited by a lot of factors.

[–] MrMakabar 2 points 2 months ago

They do not call it trickle down economics when lobbying. However tax breaks for the rich to increase investment and consumption are extremly common.

[–] MrMakabar 25 points 2 months ago (10 children)

Ukraine needs Western aid. They are not going to risk that for some stupid revenge. That kind of revenge would have the very serious consequence of loosing the war, turning it into no revenge at all.

[–] MrMakabar 11 points 2 months ago (3 children)

That is part of the problem, when it collapses it hurts everybody. At least until something new can be set up. So much better to stop making it worse.

[–] MrMakabar 22 points 2 months ago (4 children)

He certainly did not treat his trans daughter terribly well even before a few years ago. Then again he did not treat anybody around him well, but still he certainly seemed homophobic in private back then. The issue is that EVs are mostly sold to left leaning people and most tech workers are also left leaning. So he was not talking about it. Now it is out and he has a fan club, which celebrates him for it. Hence no reason to hide it anymore.

[–] MrMakabar 2 points 2 months ago

You forgot the million or more Russian men, mostly with great education leaving the country due to the war. That was a harder hit then all the losses.

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