Very true, they are called promissary notes for a reason.

That's an odd take. But I guess you do you.

I hope they do it, and get arrested and convicted so they can't vote.

Bring a lawyer to the meeting, just for fun. Let the hr person stew a bit. Ideally you will be offered a severance package, might as well have the lawyer check it out.

Sign something, yes. The severance package. Don't sign it, you don't get the money.


Newberg has been the center of a political maelstrom over the last few years, beginning with a conservative majority on the school board banning political symbols, pointedly targeting Black Lives Matter and Pride flags.

The same school board abruptly ousted Phillips' predecessor, Superintendent Joe Morelock, in March 2022. They hired Phillips a few months later, despite the fact that he was coming off a string of controversies connected to his work in other Oregon districts.

The guy the conservative school board appointed superintendent to own the libs, turned out to suck at his job. At least the people were smart enough to vote out the conservative school board. But sounds like they were too late.

Insurance is why. They can sell insulin at the prices they currently do, and still sell it to millions. Insurance companies can in turn charge more overall as well, pointing at the cost of insulin and the millions who need it as one of the reasons. So it is win win for both the buyer (Insurance) and the seller.

Cause there are always more patients... but more data will let them get more press when it enables more interesting demos.

Yes, but they want money. So why deny us teeth when they can let us have teeth for money. They can make more selling it to millions of people then a few rich people.

In all fairness though. One was litteraly invited to speak. And I haven't heard anyone call him brave (though I am sure someone somewhere did). So I don't blame orgs like the nfl and such having little to say. And frankly we should be talking more about the place that thought it was a good idea to invite him to speak... avoid graduates of that place like they have the plague.

People need help everywhere. These two are unlikely to have been trained or prepared to work in that kind of dangerous area.

What a waste. The two of them could have just helped people in need in a safer place instead of going to a place where people were most vulnerable and try to covert them. They likely would have lead long productive lives. But instead, they were sacrificed by thier families and religion for the sole purpose of trying to grow the religion so that the people in power of that religion can have more power.

Most of current medicine falls into the same cayegory. Like allergy shots. Trail and error. Most diagnosis by general practitioners are just, "well people who report X, usually have Y. And bacterial vs viral... just a gut feel based on past patients who either responded well to antibiotics or not. Never mind that the vast majority never report back even.


Could the blue states just ignore orders from the white house? Like if he orders them to round up illegal aliens? What could trump do about it?


I know the board has some fiduciary duty, but can a company put some guardrails on it when they go public, like saying the environment will always come first, or employees or customers or something?


It's been a grey winter, and looking to stay that way. I work remote, so I was thinking of getting an SAD light. But I remember from years ago when I had one (and worked in an office) that if I put it next to my monitor it gave me a headache and made my monitor hard to see. Those of you using SAD lights, where do you put them, how long do you use them per day and all that?


of course he suggested $1


When I am in Jerboa on any device (phone, tablet, pc) and I go to my profile and click on posts... it is empty. Yet I have of course made posts. Is there something I need to do to get it to save my posts? Comments has my comments.


what movie has the greatest turnaround. Like all hope is lost, people are fleeing or whatever, and something happens, then everyone rallies and of course wins the day.
Its in tons of movies, usually pretty cheesy. But there must be some that do it right. What are they?


my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?

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