[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Sounds like some of the story bits of Wildermyth

Seen in /memes (lemmy.world)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15931203

nothing like pushy maniacs to make my day complete

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Please remember that the greasy orange fucko is ALSO a genocidal zombie.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks for that. The 2022 pro has the m2, but that’s a pretty damn big list of things I’d missed.

Thank you!


I am looking at these two, trying to find a deal on the Pro 2022 that makes it close to the price of the 13" 2024 Air. Right now the "deals" are still in the $999 range for it, as opposed to $800 for the Air. Which sucks - seems like the 2022 is still better, but $200 is $200. I have a pro 10.5" now, but the lure of bigger has finally won out, years later. Trying to see if I'm missing anything - on paper the 2022 is still better, even if older.

Advantages of the Pro 2022:

  • FaceID, not TouchID
  • Promotion display (120hz vs the Air's 60hz)
  • can run external display

Advantages of the Air 2024:

  • Cheaper
  • Newer - supported longer?
  • ? Anything else?
[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

Thanks for being the voice of sanity, um, SatansMaggotyCumFart

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Shit. Didn’t expect Escoffier to get pulled out here. I thought it was this recipe, but I just checked and there’s only cheddar. So now I feel like I ripped you off. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/baked-macaroni-and-cheese-recipe-1939524.amp

But thanks for sharing the recipe! I’ve been looking for an excuse to do a Moreau sauce for a while. I don’t think it’s an actual “mother sauce”, but still one I haven’t made. Appreciate it!

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Huh? When did it go to crap? I read it for at least several years regularly. Kieran etc

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Watch that 2-3 segment from The Abyss. Fantastic.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

Alton Brown’s with Gruyère Is fantastic. The funny thing is, kids don’t like it because it’s got too much flavor or something. Lol.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

I’ve been hearing people say “not my pope” for years now. Oh, and that Jesus was too “woke” and weak, turning the other cheek.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 15 points 1 week ago

116.6F. Damn.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 8 points 2 weeks ago

Like others have said, it’s an entirely different type of beast. It’s not your traditional “snarky but likable protagonist almost designed to be read by Wil Wheaton in the inevitable audiobook“. But it is very good military sci-fi.

[-] Mbourgon@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

I’ve done it before. No keyboard, no Bluetooth mouse,… it works. Which meanswith either a mouse or a keyboard, it’s probably great. As is, because I was able to actually work on it that way, I would say it definitely passes the sniff test.

"Programming Sucks" (www.stilldrinking.org)

Don’t know how I’ve never come across this, but this made me laugh and cry and nod appreciatively.

submitted 2 months ago by Mbourgon@lemmy.world to c/superbowl@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/13494897

Warm Gaze - by C.M. Duffy (Acrylic on panel)(2024)

submitted 7 months ago by Mbourgon@lemmy.world to c/djent@lemmy.world

Today’s Bandcamp Friday haul was pretty good! Some math/djent/post, and some retro prog

  • Floral - The Second Floral EP
  • Strawberry Girls - Prussian Gloom (big chunk of the budget this month)
  • Pictures of Wild Life - fell into floating (single)
  • Jordsjø- Salighet (folky Finnish retro prog)
  • Jordsjø - Nattfiolen Suite (single)
submitted 8 months ago by Mbourgon@lemmy.world to c/bats@lemmy.world

Every summer, outside Mason Texas, approximately 4 million pregnant female Mexican Free -tailed bats come to give birth. Over the next couple of months, the babies grow, start flying with their moms, and eventually fly home. Not quite the size of Bracken, but at that time of year it’s one of the largest bat colonies in the world. https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/places-we-protect/eckert-james-river-bat-cave-preserve/

It’s an interesting place to get to. If you’re in a normal car, you need to pay attention to rain, as part of the directions are “turn off the paved road, drive 8 miles, ford a small river, then drive another mile or so”. The road is… not great, especially the last few hundred yards. But the bat flight is amazing. Seating is close you can get brushed by them. It’s a fantastic couple of hours.


I'm looking at feats for my Monk. Last night we were fighting the phase spiders and the spiderlings came in. Because we hadn't spread out enough, all of them came towards our group, so they were within melee range of me. I'm wondering if I would've gotten a reaction attack against each one (so... 6?), or if it's a once-per-turn thing. Thanks.

submitted 8 months ago by Mbourgon@lemmy.world to c/djent@lemmy.world

The video for one of the new tracks. But another stellar album. Still instrumental, still some crazy drumming and playing, still some nice atmospherics and quiet bits.


And that title had me wondering how long until Part 2. Enjoy!


I have “mark read when scrolled past” turned on. And now I have (1) posts within the past day or two, and (2) posts older than a month (since I joined about a month ago).

Is there any way to mark ALL older posts read? It’s weird because I’ll be reading a post from a few hours ago, and then suddenly be reading news from a while ago, and I’m sick of hearing about the old news.



A set of several “megalithic” structures that make up 4 temples. Built approximately 3000bc, or 500 years before the pyramids.


submitted 10 months ago by Mbourgon@lemmy.world to c/earthporn@lemmy.ml

Was lucky enough to see this!

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joined 11 months ago