
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 11 months ago

A similar thing is happening to me as well. My calendar looks weird and some app folders have squished together app symbols.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Awesome in that case I will definitely check them out. Great taste as well, I usually veer more towards deathcore but I love me some Pig Destroyer and Misery Index. I'm also always open for deathmetal suggestions

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Busdriver is actually one of the few other rap artists I listen too. I LOVE Perfect Hair. Other than that I only have Rob Sonic and Hail Mary Marron on my playlist.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Will do! Thanks!

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Nice, haven't heard that one yet!

The genre is so huge, if you could tell me one band that your friends are into it would make suggesting stuff a bit easier haha.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Awesome, thanks for the suggestion! I'm always down to try new music

[–] 15 points 11 months ago (17 children)

So, I'm almost exclusively listening to deathmetal, deathcore and other kinds of extreme metal, but once upon a time I stumbled upon this song and since then Aesop Rock has found himself a permanent spot in my music library.

I haven't found many other rap artists that I like but when it comes to Aesop there are few songs I dislike.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

Extrem nice

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

Bin da ganz bei Dir. Mir fehlt morgens ohne Tageslicht schon erheblich die Motivation :( Ja, genau. Ich werd dann auch noch schwieriger wach als sonst :D Schick. Die Bande wird es hoffentlich auch zu schätzen wissen Ü Ich hoffe es! Aber ich hab sehr tolle Spieler, also denke ich schon. Sind immer sehr dankbar. Aber im Endeffekt bin sowieso ich es der am meisten Spaß dran haben wird die Miniaturen zu benutzen hehe

[–] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I'm slowly rewatching Cowboy Bebop (only have a couple of episodes left now) and I still love it. It's my first rewatch after having watched it for the first time about 15+ years ago and even with all the other great animes releasing over the years, I think, it still stands up extremely well.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Letzte Woche (nagut nächsten Montag muss auch noch) vor meinem zweiwöchigen Urlaub. Gab ne Domain Umstellung bzgl. Office und ne nette Anleitung wie man das in maximal 5 Minuten selber umstellt... stattdessen bimmelt nur noch das Telefon und ich hab diese Umstellung nun schon über 100 mal gemacht. Aber ok, gehört halt dazu.

Trotzdem stresst mich fast mehr, dass ich nun wieder im Dunkeln aufstehe.

Ansonsten bin ich gerade schon mal am gucken was ich alles für einen Resin 3d printer an Zubehör brauche. Möchte meine D&D Runde die ich Meister etwas updgraden, indem ich uns Miniaturen drucke.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Bringt es bei dir richtig was? Ich hab ne Weile (mindestens ein Jahr) lang auch immer richtig Bartpflege betrieben, aber ohne handfeste Besserung. Der Bart war eventuell etwas weicher, aber längst nicht genug, um dessen allgemeine borstigkeit zu ändern. Sobald der länger als 2cm wird fängt der sich an zu kräuseln, egal was ich mache.


I'm at a loss and haven't found anything that could help me with this. So for some reason whenever I start Total War Warhammer 3 (Steam Linux Runtime) a chromium process starts which seems to play a trailer or intro video from the way it sounds (it's a headless chromium as far as I can tell, so I don't see any window). The worst is that I can kill the chromium instance but it will just restart. The same happens if I let it run through, at some point it will just restart.

The only way to cope with this at the moment is for me to mute chromium in the Gnome sound settings. However, this mutes every chromium instance which isn't ideal.

No other Steam game (or game in general) is doing this.

Some info about my system: Endeavour OS with GNOME Desktop AMD Ryzen 3700X Nvidia 3070 with proprietary drivers


New Rivers of Nihil, literally. What do yall think?


There has been no activity for three years on the current owners profile. I think it's safe to assume that they abandoned the community.


I can't do anything anymore on the website, I'm constantly being logged out or sometimes shown as the wrong user and most buttons don't work anymore.

Jerboa still lets me use my account but no matter which PC/Laptop/Smartphone I use I can't do anything anymore in a web browser.

The web page at first shows that I'm not logged in, then when I refresh the page, I'm usually logged in but most buttons don't work (eg. clicking on my name in the top right corner doesn't open the context menu - context menus in general don't work). I can't post, upvote, anything. Sometimes, when I refresh the page, it shows me being logged in as a different user as well, but this is gone after another refresh.

Funnily enough I have no problems in Jerboa. Everything works fine there.

It's been like this for about 2 days now.


If you work alone did you ever think about working together with others and if so why aren't you doing so now?

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