[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 25 points 1 week ago

The dog in hot car one and glue in pizza cheese i was able to reproduce on my Google search before they fixed it. But definitely some are fake

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

No, people can't afford houses, of just about any kind. Even shit tiny high density apartments are starting to become unaffordable even when you're looking outside of downtown centers

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 50 points 1 week ago

Everyone always thinks the jewelry when they think of diamonds but I am excited for the prospects of what cheap lab-grown diamonds can do for manufacturing. Diamonds are electrically insulative and yet 10 times more thermally conductive than copper. There are a LOT of industries that would be VERY interested in that.

Hell, it would probably be useful in CPU substrate as well. Instead of silicon semi conductor doping if these could be made precisely enough you could use diamond for the insulation layers and gain that insane heat transfer efficiency to help with avoiding Hotspots. Maybe that's too thin to matter that much not sure

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

5th wheel i assume, at which point ye you need a truck. If it's not a 5th tho you don't need a truck to haul it many an suv could pull it. Technically you can get a 5th wheel dolly too but i don't trust those things

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Weird, i know several farmers and they usually greatly prefer tractors for that. But to each their own. And like i said if someone just wants a truck or just likes a truck that's fine, enjoy the truck. But if they are gonna be tell me they need the truck I'll challenge that, because usually they don't. They just like/want it. Which again is fine, just be honest about it.

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

But why do they need them? Because usually they don't actually, they just think they do. I also live out in the sticks, I'm two hours away from the nearest actual real town. But I'm literally driving a smart Fortwo, with its short wheelbase I don't have to worry about ever getting high centered on anything it dirt drives real good with the lift springs and the quatrac tires, when i need 2x4s or plywood I've got a scion XB with a roof rack i can shove pretty much however many i want up there and strap em down. Decent pulling with a hitch as well. Had To lift kit it up a bit as well but not too bad.

If you just like having a truck that's fine, I'm just tired of people saying they NEEED them because it's almost always false. Now, if you live in swamp land, have no road, and need mud tires (no not AT tires, MT tires) and 4-wheel then sure. But most people don't even in the sticks.

Hell even in snow, dedicated winter tires keep the xb/smart going strong in all but the absolute worst conditions that you probably shouldn't be in even with 4x drive

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Just make sure it has true variable power, for whatever reason a lot of the full range tops only have Duty Cycles. I was originally looking for a range top but after tons of searching and only finding duty cycle models unless i spent like 3kI gave up and got the countertop ones instead

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago

Just a warning for people that see this, generally you're going to want to spend more like $150 because you want to make sure you get a unit that has true variable power and not duty cycles. If you get one with Duty Cycles you're likely going to hate it because temperature control is going to be almost impossible unless what you want is full blast or almost nothing.

If the only thing you do is basically turn the stove on to high and that's it then you won't care but if you ever do anything that needs to hold a very specific temperature you are going to definitely want a unit that has a true variable power inverter so that it can actually change the power output instead of attempting to approximate that through Duty Cycles (turning on full blast then off in cycles)

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

I mean, a countertop plug-in model is only a few hundred bucks for the good ones with actual true variable power. And thanks to their insanely higher efficiency because they're literally making the pot the heating element thus very little heat not going directly into the food those countertop models generally can boil water much faster than a gas range can even if it has the hyper burner or whatever your particular range marketing team decides to call it.

So you both use less power than a range, have better temperature control (as long as you get a unit with true variable power and not Duty Cycles) and faster heating speeds!

Related Technology connections time!


[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 21 points 2 weeks ago

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago

That's a Penske truck so it's likely a personal trip. So instead of fired they're just going to be a debt for the rest of their life paying off that damage

[-] LordKitsuna@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Just use it for applications that need heat directly instead of electricity. Heating your home, your hot water, preheating your oven. And tbh even at 30% and that is better than the 0% we have when there's nowhere for renewable energy to go and it has to just be shut off. If the sand battery can be made very quickly and easily and cheaply the inefficiency doesn't matter so much at the moment because we just need fucking somewhere to put it

Where is the login (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by LordKitsuna@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

I feel like I'm going insane, I can see people talking about logging in. I have seen screenshots of the login screen. And when I attempt to submit a post or something it tells me I need to be logged in to do that. But I cannot for the life of me no matter how hard I search the settings find somewhere to log in. I have tried searching for account, login, profile in the settings search and found nothing I have manually gone through every single category and cannot find anywhere to log in. I have attempted to completely uninstall and reinstall the application. This is either the most elaborate gaslighting attempt against some random asshole in history or there is something wrong with my app

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