Can you actually define tenderqueer or is that just some signifier like woke and sjw? These are terms that have very little real meaning and just get thrown around to dismiss people for being loud. Vaush has said many transphobic things over the years and always just doubles down afterwards instead of actually listening to trans people. It would be different if he didn't have tweets about how his trans friends get too mad over being misgendered over text, but he does. If that's all that is required for vaush to consider you a tenderqueer, then its a signifier for queer people vaush doesn't like to dismiss their feelings while claiming to be an ally of trans people. It's the same type of toxic ranting right wingers do on trans people and SJWs, except they don't lie about it.
Look, I've already been through my debate bro phase, I was even in debate in high school during it. Going into the conversation with the goal to be right isn't constructive, especially when you don't have any specific advocacies besides for just your beliefs. Dunks/owns are performative more than anything, they're a display of superiority over the stupid opponent. It doesn't advance anybody's thinking, it is inherently stagnant because both people have advocacies to defend and will not give them up. This works well with strong original thinkers like Zizek and Peterson (don't like Peterson, not saying his thoughts are any good but he's definitely a thinker) but a debate is only as valuable as the actual thinkers themselves. Vaush doesn't really change his worldview unless he's just reacting to the world around him, he isn't a right winger, but he is a reactionary. Vaush might shift people a little to the left and that's kinda cool, but he doesn't challenge them to actually think about their beliefs. It's just giving them a more palatable set of paint.
Vaush is not a voice for trans rhetoric. Even if he wasn't talking about trans people in this clip, calling people subhuman is inherently problematic Dehumanization is the base of bigotry..
Great breakdown on why even if Vaush wasn't a piece of shit (he is) his debate format is inherently problematic. Ben Shapiro can win debates, I used to copy his style when I was in debate class. Not completely, but definitely used the speaking at a weirdly fast pace to make it hard to follow