Everything Samsung is bad (except some phones). TV are cripples with ads, fridges, there’s a whole sub about how bad they are… and so on.
That was a choice. We have a young kid who loooves touching buttons and turning knobs.
I'm sure there's a lazy engineer reason. But as someone who does engineering semi-professionally, come on! You don't skimp out on UX just because it's easier to make it this way! There is a reason why Murphy's Law exists! And in this case it's actually a fire hazard!
Good eye! Here's my Lemmy Gold 🏆
Also hers a pic
Yep. It’s. GCRE3060AFF electric stove. (Other thing I hate is the fan noise when the oven is on, even when not on convection). Your idea of Hi closest to off position makes sense except of that triple knob, the 3rd ring Hi position isn’t at the top.
I thought it was just saying hellow.
Depends on which direction you turn the knob. If can be Mild ore Extremely…
Yes they’re rings. Still doesn’t explain why not everything is in the same rotational direction.
I really wished they had put legal marijuana tax to NASA. The slogan would have been “Get high so we can go higher”
France: Martin Dupont
But I prefer Dominique Dupont as the first name is both for men and women.
Because you can make a larger profit by keeping the same design and parts on a crap product and charge you an inflated premium vs selling you a good product with decent R&D and testing. If it’s all crap you can’t tell you’re being fucked. Same thing with sliding guillotinée windows and health insurance.