
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 5 days ago (3 children)

My mom works in a school and her 3rd and 4th graders regularly use slang she doesn't understand. She regularly texts me for translations so she knows if she needs to talk to the kids about inappropriate language. It's the reason I'm so up to date on the current slang of kids and teens. Meanwhile, I still use yeet unironically every day. Apparently yeet is super outdated lol

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Omg thank you. I was really struggling lol. An hour in command line was hell.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Any tips on installing tailscale? It seems kind of straightforward, but I've read posts on different forums that Linux noobs haven't been able to get it to work even with the article's instructions.

From what I gather it's mostly commands konsole ?

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Every time I read about this, I just imagine some creative person with the right resources decided to dip into the fantasy genre and do world-building. I'd do similar things as a kid. I made up all kinds of fictional things and made little encyclopedias for them. It is great fun

[–] 7 points 6 days ago

Damn, his work as Duncan was absolutely stellar. Sad to see talent like that go. :(

[–] 6 points 6 days ago

I used to raise show chickens with my little sister (silkies, a du'uccle, and some buff Orpingtons.) and they were a delight.

Our silkies and the du'uccle died tragically and my grandmother, without consulting anyone, got us 3 ducklings to try to cheer us up.

Of course, they imprinted on me immediately and I became obsessed. Now I have my own place and my flock of ducks is now at 11. Only one of the original 3 is left, and he teaches all the new birds the ropes and helps me train them to use a ramp. He also dotes on any babies and is the best dad and protector. When he is in "dad mode" we call him Big Papa Tony because he is HUGE (30lbs) and his name is Antonio.

Ducks are absolutely disgusting, but I enjoy them far more than chickens. Chickens are so much cleaner and easier to care for, but all of my fave pets have ended up being ones that are tricky to care for. 😅

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

If by younger, you mean two years younger than now, them I have a story that is applicable in regards to my career.

Got fired from my first job in my field (IT, specifically tech support/help desk.) The firing was unexpected and done in a Tuesday afternoon with zero warning. I wasn't given and kind of formal write-ups and had been getting great performance reviews. I was crushed. The reasoning that my boss told me was that "I wasn't learning fast enough." Which was absolute bullshit because I was left alone to run the department on a regular basis. I did all of my tasks and did them well and users loved me.

I suspect I was the fall guy for all the failing projects my boss was implementing. They cost far more money than he said they would. I believe I was fired so he wouldn't get a pay cut.

I was absolutely heartbroken and considered going into another field entirely, after fighting my way through the rampant sexism in college and in job hunting. The first tech job I applied to after being fired (three days later), called me almost immediately after I applied. I did a phone interview and was then asked to do a practical interview the next day. I did well enough to get offered the job before I had finished the half hour drive home.

I make so much more money now, have great benefits, and I am respected and encouraged to grow. This job is absolutely incredible.

My grandmother says getting fired from my previous job was the best thing that happened to my career and I agree with her.

The emotional damage getting fired like I did has given me crippling anxiety that my therapist likens to that of PTSD, but without some of the PTSD symptoms. I'm getting treatment for it, and I'm at the stage where it's getting worse before it gets better.

I had an hour long panic attack when I had to tell my boss that a doctor told me to take a week off to recover from an injury that wasn't healing right and hindering my daily life. My boss wasn't pleased and told me my attendance will need to be near perfect because I have already missed a lot (I have.) I'm not worried about getting fired anymore, so I haven't panicked since, but I do get flare ups of anxiety. I get to go back and face everyone on Tuesday and hope that I won't have to talk about it face to face because I will end up panicking then.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Bro what. No.. No...

[–] 15 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Oh shit waddup!?

Dat Boi is unironically my fave meme.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Can't remember the exact price per kwh, but I pay around $120/month in the summer and about $75-100/month in the winter. The winter varies so much based on how many heat lamps I have to provide for my ducks and how many heated water bowls they use. Last winter I had two lamps set up for a while then went back down to one. They used two heated bowls a day, but I have new birds this year, so they may use more.

This is all in Pennsylvania, btw

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Got really drunk with some other folks at a wedding reception in a park. It had one of these. There were about 10 of us crammed on it and two other people were spinning it. We went flying and it was incredible. 10/10 would recommend.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Oh shit, I haven't done SSH tunnelling since college lol. Brings back memories. I'll talk to my friend and see if he wants to try it.


Considering painting several murals over time. In my bedroom, my home office, and my dining room.

I'm kinda okay at art and love to paint. I'm better at abstract or cartoony shit.


Just watched my sick pet duck have a seizure and die while swimming, so I'm really fucked up mentally and want to get my mind off of it.


Want to write a novel-length story and I want to post it somewhere as I write for others to see and enjoy and critique. Idk where to post it though.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Unsure of what settings to adjust to fix it. It's bothering my eyes pretty bad. Also, people on screens in game are moving in slow motion, but that's not an issue for my eyes. Got the Steamdeck 2 days ago, so it's brand new.


Spent so long waiting for end-users to be ready for me to fix their shit lmao


Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.


My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I'm dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.


Every Friday, I work from home. Immediately after clocking out, my dogs and I take a nap. Radar was looking forward to it the most lol


Like last time, constructive criticism is welcome!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

No longer told I'm young

Not told that it's my weight

Not told that it's my mental health

She acknowledges my miserable state

Giving so many vials of blood

I hope to find a cure

Or at least some sort of treatment

For the hell that I endure

Waiting waiting waiting

For the next appointment date

Anxious for a diagnosis

To learn about my fate

The doctor could not tell me

What she thinks is wrong

She started me on medicine anyway

My heart sang a joyous song

More tests need done for a diagnosis

But that's not the most important part

Being given something to make me feel better...

I've waited so long to start.

My whole life has been pain

And suffering and woe

I never thought I'd be taken seriously

And misery is all I'd know

But now I have hope

To be free from this strife

To take my freedom for myself

To be able to have a life

My poetry is hella shitty, but I wanted to post this anyway because I'm really happy that my new rheumatologist is taking me seriously and I need everyone to know lol. I'm finally getting treatment for how shitty I feel after trying to get taken seriously for 20 goddamn years. Hoping the treatment works. :)


I have very painful joints and expect to get formally diagnosed with arthritis tomorrow. I love cross stitching, but my god does it make my hands hurt. I also work in IT, so my hands are in use all day for my job. I want to be able to craft after work to relax, but my hands just hurt and cramp immediately when I try to work on a project.


I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.

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