
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Just off the top of my head but I think you’re on the right path when it comes to sounding more eloquent. Poetry probably came from people messing around and playing with words to find what sounds interesting.

You’re already good to go on rhyming. So maybe just try for different rhyme schemes.

You might could also add other whatever-they’re -calleds like alliteration, consonance, metaphors, etc. Each of those are just a tools in the poet’s toolbox.

But what do I know!

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

I really wish he would do a video about his personal photography. I always love it when he would get air time on LTT or one of their other channels talking about cameras and was always curious to see his photos.

[–] 141 points 9 months ago (14 children)

Films where I don’t recognize a single actor among the whole crew are almost always better than ones where I’ve seen such and such actor in other movies. Just more immersive. And even if they’re not the best actors I’d much prefer that over whatever the hell Chris Prat or Tom Cruise or Leo D are up to.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I think you’re right and maybe that’s why I prefer horror movies so much over literally all else. And to your point about being outside of Hollywood, I really appreciate it when I don’t recognize any of the actors. It makes it much more immersive for me. Usually much better camera work and lighting too. And Less CGI - atleast the better ones. I hate it when the whole screen is just really good animation :(

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

I remember finding these guys on the Duck Core blog way back in the day. So cool to see them still come up.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

See those and thermador all the time haha such a waste

[–] 17 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Haha! I go in about three houses per day for work and the majority will have gas. Also SE US. Although I’ve never had one in the places I’ve lived so if not for work I’d never have seen them either.

[–] 16 points 11 months ago (8 children)

Do they? I’d check out Technology Connections videos on the subject. A couple more seconds to boil water is worth not inhaling whatever junk byproducts of combustion.

[–] 53 points 11 months ago (55 children)

Technology connections informed me of this long ago! And it makes perfect sense. But almost every house I go in has a gas stove because apparently people think it’s better or nicer or “more professional” or whatever.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I’d recommend cured meats like smoked sausage or jerky along with crackers. I believe you can do cous cous without boiling the water too but I could be wrong there.

There are also some dehydrated backpacking meals that don’t require boiling the water. Usually they are the breakfast ones with powdered milk and granola and dehydrated fruits - they’re delicious and some of my favorite backpacking food!!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah sounds like your current “friends” just don’t get how mentally exhausting some things can be for you.

I have some coworkers that commiserate and talk about technical work junk and usually that is enough to get it out of my system & with actual friends we usually don’t talk about work and just shoot the shit and relax and enjoy NOT being at work together.

Good luck getting your stuff figured out my friend!

[–] 22 points 1 year ago (6 children)

My SO struggles with this too. I just get by with only one or two people I’d call friends and that works for me. I don’t need a lot.

But my SO struggles with friends in much the same way. They are always the one to reach out to the friends and ask to schedule things and plan in advance but it’s never the friends reaching out to do the same. I consider those not real friends - they’re friends out of convenience because it gives them something to do sometimes instead of actually caring.

So maybe keep track of things like this and see if your friends are actually friends and they care about you or because they get bored and occasionally want things to do.

It seems to me to be pretty normal as you age to distance yourself from others. Especially if you’re in a relationship and/or have a career or job you’re passionate about which it appears you care a lot for your field. Those two things alone will eat up the majority of your time. Throw in friends with that who also may have relationships and jobs etc that eat up all their time too. So naturally it’s difficult to plan things and people fall apart. Totally normal.

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