The other thing that I'd add to this is that, post-pandemic, a lot of people have felt the pinch of shifting economic realities. A lot of decisions from years and decades past that have masked the costs neoliberal policies and corporate cost cutting have come home to roost, and it has left people feeli g stressed out and resentful.
They feel their quality of life and standard of living starting to slip, and they see the injustice of the system supporting their bosses, their landlords, and their banks, but not them. And they see who's currently at the wheel.
Because of this, they also grow increasingly resentful towards discussions of people who need help. They feel like no one is there to help them as the world shifts around them, and yet they have smug culture warriors telling them that they're worse than Hiitler for not thinking of people they'll never meet, half a world away.
Trump and Milhouse will not help them, but at least they will not tell them that they are not deserving. And that's more than what they perceive Democrats, the Liberals, or the NDP doing for them.
That's way more complex thinking that what people actually do around this. They think he's good for the econony because he's rich, or at least plays rich on TV.
CEOs may see him as good for business because rhey believe he'll make running their businesses cheaper, but the average Trump voter just sees "rich = good with money", because most people ultimately believe that the world is on some level fair, and if he's rich it must mean he got there fairly.