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[-] 3 points 1 day ago

keep it going, keep it strong

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

ok I thought that was duct tape

[-] 13 points 1 day ago

waterproof panniers

[-] 5 points 1 day ago

I liked the game unti it started making me do fetch quests to level up enough to continue to storyline

[-] 6 points 2 days ago

dont ask how people are doing if you don't care man

[-] 3 points 2 days ago
[-] 0 points 2 days ago

This C is the facebook of Lemy

[-] -4 points 2 days ago
[-] 3 points 2 days ago

I can confirm this. I still use the fucker

[-] 24 points 4 days ago

when I read where they put the portal I had the exact same thought as everyone else who knows what town is like on o'connell street. why didn't they just put it on talbot st

[-] 2 points 5 days ago

ahh dude that sounds terrible, I'm really sorry.

What I've learned about gardening is to grow what loves to grow in my particular space. I tried a lot of plants and you know what thrived? Gerkins. Little cucumbers. Do I need 600 picklng gerkins? I do not, but thats what grows. Chives also love it back there.

So, we give away jars of home made sandwich slices and pickle relish. The plants reach up and pull on the low tree branches with their little tendrils. Its not what I want to grow (I want to grow fucking pumpkins, but they get downy mildew and barely fruit).




This line and "make sure you clean that shit off her tit!!" from Sil when they cut back from the grandeur of Paris make me laugh each and every time.

Any lines anyone else can't stop finding funny?


When Ade realized that Sil was coming not to take her to see her suicidal fiancée but to plug her spine full of automatic rounds, she could have called Artie and asked him to sweep her away to safety. She opted not to do this.

Artie could have taken her to some far flung locale and could have sold his restaurant through a broker from their new home. He would then be able to open a trattoria and she could wait tables. He loved her. He loves her still.

Ade knew all of this, and chose to get in the car, with one of Tony's enforcers, knowing on some level that Sil was going to ventilate her thoroughly. She though about fucking Artie Bucco, thought about getting pulled out of a car by her hair courtesy of Silvio Dante in the forest, and then hopped into that passenger seat. If he only Artie his hair, the woman would probably still be alive.


if you dead beats don't start posting in here, my face will be the last face you see. It won't be cinematic.


Wife and I currently have covid, which is pretty fucking awesome, so I asked her to get me some orange juice with the grocery delivery. She did, and it's smooth, and I said "I like schum pulp!!" as you do, and she said "please don't yell".

On one hand I'm dissapointed she didn't catch the reference since I know she's seen this scene before, but on the other, I appreciate that she had a very Carm reaction with "please, with the yelling"

bottom line: should I divorce her for not knowing the line or be happy that she acted like Carm and told me to calm down

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Its a very good suggestion, AJ should go eat another donut. Or, perhaps he should take off that fucking shirt that looks more like a dress.


Brendan took the initiave, he was brining in DVD players and Italian suits. Junior was the enemy, Brendan was just ahead of the curve- Olivia suggested Jun kill him just like she wound up doing with Tony... again, ahead of the game. He got no respect what so ever

submitted 10 months ago by to c/

I would love to particpate guys, hello?

submitted 11 months ago by to c/
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joined 11 months ago