[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 hours ago

This article touches on important: what are the Democrats in Congress doing to prepare for another Trump presidency?

He's been pretty vocal about his vindictive he wants to be so you would expect them to say least be trying to push laws to restrict the abuse that he, or any other president could on political enemies.

The article mentions a bipartisan bill that passed the house but couldn't get through the Senate. Why aren't Democrats talking about that bill more publicly to get it passed?

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 0 points 16 hours ago

Lol bro, you obviously don't know shit about plumbing if you think they can't have their shit together. They can make crazy bank.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago

The timeline gives a general reference point. You're right they could mostly just include 2014 and the final year as well. No big deal in my opinion since they don't try to emphasize the price points at each year (as only a vague idea is given based on the line).

In terms of your second point, what if from '99 to 2003, Mcdonald's had doubled their prices? the graph would be the same? We can keep going back until each business's complete history, but I feel this graph tells enough of a story: Both brands increased their product costs a certain amount from the dates indicated.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 0 points 2 days ago

Its about convincing people still on the fence with Trump. The most vocal are saying that the jury was a sham. The ones in the middle are less vocal. By not giving vocal Republicans any ammo, it helps make a convincing case to those Republican voters that weren't hardline republicans/MAGAs. They're the ones we need along with the voters that switch from the 2016 to 2020 elections.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 days ago

I feel you're kinda talking past ChapulinColorado's comment. He's indicating that for many people they would should have a simple tax filing process where they don't receive money outside of what's reported to the IRS already. Many workers only have a W2 and use the standard deduction. They shouldn't have to pay a 3rd party to get their taxes done, and it shouldn't take them almost any time to file a return.

yes you're also right that people would still need to confirm what their income is (especially if its not reported to the IRS), but that doesn't apply to a large section of the US Population.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 4 points 2 days ago

Yeah, so the fact that he wasn't proves my point. The Judge wasn't showing signs of wanting to get Trump convicted. Compare that to if Trump is required to be in jail throughout the trail, because he was held in contempt. The right would be saying the judge, and this same verdict, were corrupt. That's what they're saying, now but there's less evidence for them to use.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 6 points 2 days ago

I disagree with that. The judges need to be a bit lenient with him so nobody can say that the judge was biased against him. This was sort of frustrating to those of us who saw the judge as being too nice to Trump, but its now a lot harder to say he was gunning to get him convicted.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

You're right but that's not the problem attempting to be addressed with Denmark's system.

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago

Will look into that to see if that's easier that what I currently do now. Thanks!

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

More or less what I have to do.

submitted 5 days ago by Habahnow@sh.itjust.works to c/linux@lemmy.ml

For a while now, I've been unable to actually view the Volaris website while using Ubuntu 22.04 (In a previous version I believe as well). I've tried Brave, Firefox, and Chrome with the same results so I don't believe its browser specific (as most people use one of those 3 web browsers), which leads me to believe its Linux specific (as I doubt Volaris' website has been broken like this for over 2 years now).

The website seems to load some background images, but then it stops loading. I'm basically unable to interact with the website in any way. Sometimes I'll get a captcha to even access the website. The workaround that I have found was actually going into the inspector and refreshing. This make the website function again while the inspector is open.

Any ideas or suggestions?

[-] Habahnow@sh.itjust.works 3 points 1 week ago

Amazing discourse. I'll review your best argument to perhaps reconsider my position.


I’m glad this was passed. Only worry I have is that the the corporations will have the money to take a hit in California. Keep the amount of money they siphon from CA high, translating to higher costs to the CA businesses and, despite the fact that more of their businesses will struggle, use that as evidence that this law should be repealed.


I'm glad this was passed. Only worry I have is that the the corporations will have the money to take a hit in California. Keep the amount of money they siphon from CA high, translating to higher costs to the CA businesses and, despite the fact that more of their businesses will struggle, use that as evidence that this law should be repealed.


Article is very interesting and talks about the mix of goals in regards to the protests, and how speech negatively and positively helps accomplish those goals.


A bigger “tax break” (in the form of allowing these businesses to actually deduct expenses like other legitimate businesses) for these dispensaries should mean cheaper products, less struggling businesses and also less black market marijuana.


Bigger "tax break" for these dispensaries should mean cheaper products, and less struggling businesses. This should also mean, less black market marijuana.


22 minutes long, but still very interesting.


I feel like hidden rooms aren't very transparently shown in the game. Currently there are usually 2-3 hidden rooms in each area, with an additional hidden room for every floor that has "many secrets". This is all totally fine, except that its sort of hard to identify them, even as someone that's rather familiar with what they are. By identify, I don't mean to search for them, but to actually identify whether a room is a hidden room or not.

My suggestion would be that all hidden rooms share some kind of identifier. some suggestions would be:

  • uniquely colored door that, even if burned, has a different color so you'll always know that was an entrance to a hidden room

  • Uniquely colored flooring

  • Uniquely colored walls

  • Indications in the logs when you step into an area or floor ("you have found 1 of 2 or 3 hidden rooms in this area" "There is one discovered hidden room on this floor")

Hidden rooms can affect your rankings score so allows for easier ways to track that would be welcomed.

What are your opinions?


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/9362913

Bonus, in the link you can see live feeds of the repairs.


Bonus, in the link you can see live feeds of the repairs.

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joined 8 months ago