
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

We're comparing it to gen 1 to emphasize how far it is from being competitive.

Not really new; this has been the case with all the Tensor chips. I kind of assumed Google was going to step up their game at some point, but I don't think Samsung can produce chips on par with TSMC. Google is switching to TSMC for next year's Tensor 5, so maybe we'll see a big jump then.

That said, I don't think it's a deal-breaker. I'm running a Pixel 7 and it's "fine". The Pixel 6 had bad throttling/overheating problems, but the 7 and 8 are better. We'll see what the Big Problem is with the 9 series. There's always something.

[–] 12 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

Was there some medical reason for this? Seems too extensive to have been done for surgery.

[–] 16 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Please, you need to be more specific. Android has half a dozen distinctly different share menus, and there are distinctly different reasons why each one is garbage.

Installing Linux after Windows should be fine without disconnecting drives.

The reverse is troublesome. Microsoft's installer is all too happy to shit on your drives, even the ones you're not using for installation. But Linux installers are much more friendly to dual-booting and all kinds of complex setups.

[–] 37 points 4 days ago (5 children)

That's like 10-20 adult novels. Respect.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Now that you mention it, yeah, I wonder if they haven't updated recently.

Isn't the 7950X3D the best at basically everything? I mean, disregarding value per dollar, it's still better than any of the other Ryzens for gaming, isn't it?

[–] 12 points 6 days ago (3 children) is a good starting point.

If you want to beat the PS5 Pro in terms of raw performance, you'll probably want to look at the "great" tier and higher. It's hard to say now since we don't have any real-world benchmarks to go by.

$700 seems like a lot for a PS5 Pro, but if it's really as powerful as they claim then it will still compare well to PCs under $1k.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Copyleft licenses require that derivative works maintain that same license. Not all the Creative Commons licenses are copyleft. CC-BY only requires that attribution be given in the derivative work. That's the one YouTube offers as an option for uploads.

If you want your video to be copylefted, you should use one of the SA (share-alike) licenses. See

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I explained why that data does not contradict what the previous commenter was trying to say.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Speed is less of a factor than endurance in a persistence-hunting scenario where we're much slower than our prey anyway.

I don't know the facts for this specific claim, but the logic is fair. One group can be better suited for endurance without being faster. One group could also be faster on average without having the individual fastest performers. Not only because of cultural factors, but also because the distribution curves might have different shapes for men vs women. There could be greater outliers (top performers) among men even if the average is higher among women in general. It's not necessarily as straightforward as, say, height, where men's distribution curve is almost the same shape as women's, just shifted up a few inches.

I don't have the data to draw any real conclusions, though.

One of the problems looking at athletic records is that it's really just the elite among a self-selected group of enthusiasts, which doesn't tell us a whole lot about what might have been the norm 100,000 years ago, or what might be the norm today if all else were equal between genders. These are not controlled trials.

I've read that the top women outperform the top men in long-distance open-water swimming, supposedly due in part to higher body fat making women more buoyant, helping to regulate body temperature, and providing fuel. This is the first time I've read that women might have an advantage in running, though.

I wish the article provided citations. The reality is probably too complex to fit into a headline or pop-sci writeup.

Same on macOS. Apple has "case-sensitive HFS+" as an option for UNIX compatibility (or at least they used to) but actually running a system on it is a bad idea in general.


Edit: This appears to have been fixed already with another backend update. Leaving the post below as-is.

Current version in the footer: UI: 0.19.0-rc.11 BE: 0.19.0-rc.10

Starting today, most image thumbnails and pictrs links will not load. I tried clearing cookies and I tried in three different browser engines (Firefox, Chromium, Safari).

If I try to open one of the image URLs directly in my browser, it shows {"error":"auth_cookie_insecure"}.

Interestingly, images will load correctly if I am NOT logged in. Why are the pictrs URLs even checking cookies when they do not require auth? Is that new behavior in this version of Lemmy?

Here is an example post:

And an example direct image URL from that post:

I am interested to know if others are seeing the same issue. I have not exhaustively tested different cookies settings in my browsers, so it's possible some anti-tracking privacy settings are interfering with this behavior.

Worth noting is that the Eternity app on my phone continues to work. I did not even need to log out and back in today, like I did in my browsers.

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