exactly! this is my experience.... that and "you can have drugs to deal with your drug problem if you want."... i didn't want and glad i that's the decision i made. it is what it is
I mean, that's pretty much exactly what all three of my therapists told me
way way way too long for this to happen and way way way too long to put him in jail. This system is fucked
good, the more noise they make the more this will spread
shocked they actually arrested him. will be even more shocked if he gets anything close to the punishment he earned
Really grateful for this little community. IWNDWYT!
I love recovery, i love sobriety, i love life. IWNDWYT!
LOL, when i first started it about 2 weeks ago i could only go thirty seconds as well. Sometimes that's still all i get for the first minute but at least once or twice i've done the first minute breath hold and both 1.5 minute breath holds. I'm shocked that i'm able to do it but it happened naturally with no struggle.
I've been doing the wim hof breathing lately and man it really makes a difference in my ability to control my reactions to things, which i know a lot of sober people have trouble with so i thought i'd share that... anyway, super stoked to be sober so IWNDWYT!
Congrats on a full trip around the sun free from the poison! love to hear it!
Yep, i've been banned from like 10 subs despite being very careful with how i word my opinion that's different that what's normally accepted.... it didn't used to be that way, a lot of the opinions I have that get me banned were once mainstream on reddit.