Y'all is gender neutral, ~~do~~ so I imagine it's fine
Edit: typo lol
Y'all is gender neutral, ~~do~~ so I imagine it's fine
Edit: typo lol
Because the one on the right is funnier
Counterargument: a centaur is a human torso on a horse's neck, so it's the right one
Yes and that's jambo in the pic
Live your life but please don't do that in public for my kids to see
If they ever get divorced, she's keeping the name. The other guy can have "Newton"
This is funny but also kinda spot on? Once you have real "fuck you" money, the only important thing is the actual number, not the money associated with it
Dionysus certainly is a menace
There's a hidden spider, he's >!in the mailbag in the mail truck!<
Surprise MRI
Ok so first your gonna want to head straight onto Google maps and use that, I have no idea where anything is
Jokes on you I just started