[-] Deebster@programming.dev 17 points 20 hours ago

Or the same old quarry with a different gel over the lens.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 38 points 21 hours ago

"Real-life Star Wars tech" confused me, since it's a missile defense system IRL, but it's talking about:

The massive screens and virtual set technology pioneered on more modern shows like The Mandalorian.

“Yes, it grew increasingly difficult and frustrating to go out into the woods of British Columbia and pretend it was another planet”

I quite liked the feel of the series being in woods so much, and it made sense given that many of those "worlds" were pre-industrial (plus alien tech).

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago

Nick's a magician, though, and he did all the usual magician tricks like signing the envelope. I suspect shenanigans, perhaps the crew being in on it.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 36 points 1 day ago

gamergate (/ˈɡæmərˌɡeɪt/ GAMM-ər-gayt)

Ah, so nothing to do with incels harassing women. Do incels have a queen?

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 5 points 2 days ago

Bravo! If this is a harbinger of the memes that we can expect from Davulcan Mitchell, then it's going to be good.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 8 points 2 days ago

I think Jack Dee has been the name Alex would routinely say when asked who he'd most like on - I'm looking forward to see how he handles Taskmaster.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 4 points 3 days ago

It's interesting that the author and most others went with 403, when 426 seems to be the most appropriate.

Neither are perfect matches, since 403 is about authentication and 426 is for Upgrade semantics (i.e. the upgrade is over the same transport protocol, not switching from http to https). npm isn't sending an Upgrade header, which is required, but I think if it sent Upgrade: TLS/1.0, HTTP/1.1 then that would be claiming they supported TLS on port 80 (STARTTLS style) - possible but unconventional.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 16 points 4 days ago

Spyware app driven out of business. Oh no!

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 17 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

At the same time, Penick had people rate what they thought the ant smelled like. Most people said blue cheese, but some thought it smelled like rotted coconut. So Penick rotted a coconut in his backyard and found a mold growing on it that, sure enough, is the same mold (Penicillium roqueforti) that's used to produce blue cheese. Another mystery, solved.

So American house ants, rotten coconuts and blue cheese all smell the same. Life is weird.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 1 points 5 days ago

I haven't used atuin yet, but I believe the histories from other machines is more like accessible than mixed - you don't just hit ↑ on machine1 and see machine2 commands.

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago

A fun article, and I really like the idea of pataphysics. I've klnown of SCP for a long time but I've never delved into it - it seems more bottomless than TVTropes, and I've spent/wasted enough time there already!

[-] Deebster@programming.dev 35 points 1 week ago

I didn't realise that Cheryl was her first name, I thought they'd made a mistake (like how they've spelt it Ryker).

But Wikipedia informs me that her full name is Cheryl Gates McFadden and she uses both names:

She is usually credited as Cheryl McFadden when working as a choreographer and Gates McFadden when working as an actress

xkcd #2937: Room Code (imgs.xkcd.com)


Alt text:

Sorry to make you memorize this random string of digits. If it helps, it can also double as a mnemonic for remembering your young relatives' birthdays, if they happened to have been born on February 5th, 2018.


While curious about the Centauri accent, I found this 2001 interview with Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari) and Wortham Krimmer (Cartagia).


The quick story about the accent, if I can tell you how I patchworked it together, is I was doing a play downtown, a Tennessee Williams play, and I worked really hard on a Memphis accent. I felt like I had really nailed it. But one L.A. critic nailed me and said, "That’s a terrible Memphis accent. That doesn’t sound like a Southern accent." I was really hurt. About that time was when "The Gathering," the pilot, showed up. I called Joe and said, "What do you want me to sound like?" He said, "Let him sound like whatever you want," so I purposely took a couple of different things. There’s a character who plays the parole officer in A Clockwork Orange, the guy who’s always saying, "And night-time is the best time, um, yes?" I took my Czechoslovakian grandmother. I had spent three consecutive summers in Ireland. I didn’t always take sounds; I took rhythms. Londo had a kind of musical thing.

The whole thing's worth a read, they seemed to be having fun.


This is "The Frigatebird and the Diamond Ring" by Liron Gertsman, shot on a Canon EOS R5.

Source: https://liron-gertsman-photography.myshopify.com/products/the-frigatebird-and-the-diamond-ring

Article: How a Photographer Captured His Spectacular Dream Eclipse Photo (lots more pictures here)

  • Chechnya officials have banned music deemed too fast or slow, restricting compositions to a tempo of 80-116 BPM.
  • Minister of Culture Musa Dadayev announced the decision at a meeting, as reported by TASS.
  • The ban affects all musical, vocal, and choreographic compositions in the Russian Republic of Chechnya.

Chechnya is a republic of Russia since losing the Second Chechen War but this means that the Russian national anthem, at just 76 BPM, is also banned.


This year's (belated, as is tradition) April Fool's XKCD is written in the Rapier.rs physics engine.

It's like The Incredible Machine, but each person can contribute a cell towards the larger machine.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/17292833

Abandoned industrial building 2/8


Brand new #Taskmaster starts 28th March on Channel 4 and 29th March outside the UK on YouTube.

From this teaser (Youtube short): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Acq7mRa9ZYk

Contestants: Joanne McNally, John Robins, Nick Mohammed, Sophie Willan, and Steve Pemberton.

I'm hoping they have musical tasks to allow Nick Mohammed to shine. I still can't hear the Jurassic Park theme without singing along with his words.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Deebster@programming.dev to c/linguistics@mander.xyz

they were taking part in an unusual experiment, which involved tracking their own voices over time. This was done by making 10-minute recordings every few weeks. They would sit in front of a microphone and repeat the same 29 words as they appeared on a computer screen. Food. Coffee. Hid. Airflow.

One of those changes was the "ou" sound in words such as "flow" and "sew" that shifted towards the front of the vocal tract.

I'm not actually sure what sound change they're describing there. Can anyone explain with examples or IPA?

edit: Cheers for the answers (turns out I misunderstood which part is the vocal tract)

submitted 3 months ago by Deebster@programming.dev to c/climate

I posted a comment with the message "Don’t let doomscrolling lead you into despair and apathy over climate" and got a fair few downvotes, so I thought this was worth sharing.

YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9p5VKd8VkE

submitted 3 months ago by Deebster@programming.dev to c/xkcd@lemmy.world


Alt text:

Also, we would really appreciate it if you could prominently refer to it as an 'eHit'.

view more: next ›


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