[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 hours ago

I sort of want to see Trump do a speed run through the steps.

Like could he do all 6 in one speech?

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 6 hours ago

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;

Calling it right now...the GOP is going to be using this wording to mean only Republicans can be in government.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 8 hours ago

The philosophy still exists today at NASA proper.

Blue Origin and SpaceX don't need to have that philosophy. Because their owners are having a dick measuring contest and have literal billions to literally burn.

The budget constraints on NASA during the Apollo missions made success a requirement. They couldn't afford to waste money or even look like they are wasting money. Even early tests where NASA rockets were burning and exploding they had to justify to Congress that they were learning.

It helped that the "red scare" kept the public interested in space exploration because it was about beating the Soviet Union.

But when Blue Origin and SpaceX have to answer to just a billionaire, they can get away with failure after failure. It's probably cheaper for them.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 9 hours ago

I'm sure someone much more talented than me can make it into a heiku

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 9 hours ago

The initial sentence didn't surprise me but the second one did.

The way I interpreted it is that they are in a neighborhood that was affordable (i.e. black/Latino otherwise redlined) and are complaining that there aren't enough white people around them.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 27 points 11 hours ago

Idk....seems like the average apple user to me.

Trillion dollar company Apple is right and can do no wrong.

It's all those other people who need to do better.

The way that the NASA program worked was that failure was expected and redundancies were added where they could. NASA program engineers knew that any failure could be a PR nightmare and would result in their funding being cut.

Their margin for error was small but because error-handling was built into the system.

Omg. I thought I was the only one that heard that!

Even on Taylor's Version, it still sounds like "Starbucks Lovers".

I've moved from waxing to epilating. I have to do it a bit more frequently but very little mess.

You can separate bull semen? I don't want to Google this. How is this done?

"That was a lone wolf."

"Nobody saw that coming."

"He was always so peaceful."

"He's an elder of my church."

"Just one bad apple."

"A rare occurrence."

-- any time a white male engages in domestic terrorism

We really need better enforcement of laws on threatening civil servants.

These jurors did a job that I might even struggle to take due to the likelihood of these assholes might fuck my life up. Imo, they should be given at least a year of Secret Service or US Marshall protection.

I personally don't trust the local PD to protect them.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Good day self-hosters! I'm not exactly sure what to call what I'm looking for besides a "clipboard". Let me describe my problem and what my ideal solution is.

At work, I get a lot of slack DMs that ask for the same information. It's not consistent to the point I would just pin the information in my Windows 11 clipboard. But it's often enough that I'd prefer to give people the same information each time it's asked.

I'm limited in what I can build on my work computer. In an ideal world, I'd do what Gilfoyle did and make and bot but I lack the time and skills for such a task. Right now, I solve this with a very long notepad, which is subject to copy/paste errors. If I don't highlight everything correctly or if I accidentally copy over an existing line. That kind of thing.

What I was thinking was a very simple website where the items I'm copying are in tiles that can be tagged and searched. Once I find what I'm looking for, I can click the button to copy it to my clipboard and then go on with my life.

Due to restrictions on my work computer, I cannot host containers or host a website, though a fully self-contained HTML page with javascript I could do.. Ideally this is something that can be build using Github Pages build with Jekyll but so far, I haven't found a theme that mimics the behavior I'm looking for and I lack the time (though not the skills) to build it.

I'd prefer the github route so that I can share the page with others on my team who get asked similar questions.

I am also able to deploy a website via Github Pages (with .nojekyll).

I have to think something similar to this already exists but I imagine the restrictions on having no backend might be the challenge. Love to hear your thoughts!

Edit: added context for Gilfoyle

Thank you all for the great suggestions. I should have added in this post that my work does not allow software with Copyleft (Don't get me started. I'm a strong copyleft advocate and it annoys me that my company only takes and never gives back to OSS). I'm going to give TiddlyWiki out. License is friendly with my work, seems simple enough to run.

That said, Logseq seems to be pretty interesting as well. Might try this out on my on machine to see if I like it.

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