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[-] BubbleMonkey 5 points 19 hours ago

This definitely does not look like something that would, or should, be sweet.

All the same I’m kinda intrigued.

[-] BubbleMonkey 2 points 2 days ago

You sound like you don’t have adhd, which makes routines like that a problem. I do, which is why I don’t recommend things with short battery life.

I’m just saying that not everyone is great with “one more device to charge every day” when all they need is a vibrating alarm and there are options that don’t require that.

[-] BubbleMonkey 6 points 2 days ago

Excellent, thank you, I just wanted to make sure because some people unironically believe this thing and.. well, anyway 🫡

[-] BubbleMonkey 16 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Are you using that example because you know it happens?

Because you know that happens, right?

Lots of dudes are super butthurt (pun very much intended) that breast cancer gets all the awareness (eg pink athletic merch during breast cancer month), and not their man-only cancer which they don’t advocate for at all outside of complaining.

[-] BubbleMonkey 11 points 2 days ago

If someone buys it, it’s style. If not, they suck at painting.

Isn’t art fun?

[-] BubbleMonkey 9 points 2 days ago

Punching up (nonviolently, as you say) is always valid.

[-] BubbleMonkey 2 points 2 days ago

If only the battery lasted more than a day, day and a half tops..

I’ve had numerous watches, just because I need an alarm on me for medications (ranging from cheap $30 models, through Fitbit/athletic watches, up to the Apple watch), and they basically all have the vibration feature. The Apple Watch has probably the worst battery life of any of them I’ve tried, and I’ve tried really hard to extend it..

Some of the really dirt cheap ones you pair with the watch, set the alarms, then unpair (because they are cheap Chinese brands with all sorts of tracking if you use the app), and the battery on the watch is good for like a week. If you want to keep the shitty app running, or have a spare device to pair it with, you can change alarms on the fly.

Either way, I wouldn’t recommend an Apple Watch to someone who just wants a vibrating alarm. They are not good for that single use, unless you actually want all the other stuff it does and are fine with the crap battery life. Same with any major smart watch. If all you need is an alarm, they are super overkill and just one more thing to keep charged.

[-] BubbleMonkey 4 points 2 days ago

Growing up (90s), in the middle of a dense suburban/semi-urban area, my mom would melt holes into the top of peanut butter jars with an awl, and we’d put some grass and shit in them and fill them with dozens of fireflies to make fairy lanterns. She would let them out when we fell asleep and said the fairies only stay until dawn, which I was never up for.

I saw a firefly the other day and was absolutely thrilled. It’s been so so long since I’ve seen them. Then again it was during the day so it might have been something else..

[-] BubbleMonkey 1 points 2 days ago

I think it really helps for me that I don’t have anyone to take care of except myself, some cats, and some aquatic friends. They will let me slack if I have to. And I have enough saved up that this can continue for a long while if I want (which I do; I’m that fabled “nobody” who doesn’t want to work ever again)

Whenever I’ve tried to recover and I was living with anyone else, it was absolutely much longer and more difficult. They, like, had needs and stuff and for whatever reason assumed that not working meant I was going to handle them all, plus more.. plus I couldn’t just assume that my money would last, like I can now.

When I say above “whatever I want to do”, I really do mean it. And even with that, 6 months to start getting things done again has made me feel like an abject failure many times. I have to keep reminding myself I gave myself so much time for a reason.

[-] BubbleMonkey 44 points 5 days ago

It took me about 6 months of having all the time I wanted to actually start making a sizable dent on the backlog of projects. Recovering from adhd-flavored burnout is no quick thing.

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