Depends. Do they have good dental insurance?
Well, that sucks i wanted to share some cute pics i took of my cats
Mastodon is cool.
I'd tell them to move to tumblr but, tumblr is going downhill too.
I hear cutting down on Starbucks also helps. In fact, leading a life devoid of little pleasures can make you a millionaire in about......never.
I'm convinced that people who think like this don't even know how a society functions. Like, i bet if he answers he'll come back with "no, i don't want stupid people everywhere i just don't see why i should have to pay for schools my kids don't use" or something like that. They're kind of predictable in my experience.
I was actually more right wing as a kid. Now that I've learned some things about the world that's when I became a left leaning liberal.
She could've changed it to " Please Pick On Me"
And by then it'll be too late or whatever solution they come up with will only help them.
What are you even talking about? I meant i would do the qr code thing if i had to. That's basically it. And no. I'll go where i want.
Personally I'm more along the lines of " if i have to adapt then i will" becuase going out to eat is one of the few social things i do that require touching grass and i ain't giving it up easy.
No, he does not. He doesn't even deserve to be remembered at all.