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Is she going to eat all those seal pensises herself? Come on Taylor, share!
It's because I sound like a baritone woman. Everybody calls me ma'am on the phone. When I was younger my parents thought I was gay because of my voice. I would prefer to sound like Gilbert Godfrey over this shit voice 😽
Toyota, we'll love you even if your parents dont
Well fuck me it's this fucker! How you fucking doing fuckface? What a fucking year eh?
The one with the biggest holes
If you support a 4-day workweek but purchase a Tesla over a Lamborghini you are a hypocrite. I take my kid to school everyday in my Countach.
Swiss cheese is my favorite ;)
It'a already happening in the US too. Courts have absolved our police from actually having to do what they were hired to do. So now they wait outside of mass killings, shoot to kill innocent people, rob citizens with no consequences. Why would they bother doing their job anymore, they have guns and most people think those things just happen to "other" people.
If you think that's bad you should see me in a mini skirt. Completely dehumanizing and unnecessary.
I would have bought it just to trigger my parents
I'm GenX and I just bought my first house. Just shows you what working hard for 29 years can get you! Just got to work for another 29 and I can start thinking about retirement and then work another 29 cause millennials killed retiring. Damn millennials.