To say that laws should apply more to e-bikes because cities are designed for cars is both wrong and dangerous. You realize that the bike came before the car, right? That cities actually were built around bikes, horses, and ..ugh.. walking, long before the assembly line was even a twinkle in young Ford's eye?
The poster is saying that if you are going to call out the operators of one for gross negligence, then the other should be called out as well. It is a very comparable situation and pretending that because cars are more ubiquitous, they should somehow be less restricted is a leap in logic that is rather ludicrous.
Sometimes, when I wonder what people are typing, I look at the keyboard and see that the letters are adjacent and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Also sometimes, I enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches and I have to wonder what it is that would make someone so sad as to not eat them on what seems to be principle? Cause cheese and butter is delicious and is the basis of basically all french cooking and if you don't like it, I have to assume that you are a tears and coffee as a staple kinda person.