If all Mods simply stopped moderating, Reddit would be dead next week
joined 3 months ago
Cult of the ~~Lamb~~ Cat
Warum wurde die Domain eigentlich gewechselt? Ich war zu der Zeit nicht im Fediverse aktiv
Molchat Doma — Tancevat
Because too many people are dying or because no one dies?
Judging from the heart rate they didn't take it well...
Heimbüro arbeiten sein wie
Oh, hab den Pfosten aus Jerboa raus pfostiert, weiß nicht ob man das da irgendwie einstellen kann...
Unlike in Capitalist countries, China's billionaires don't have much political power and actually face consequences for things like corruption, etc.
There are ways to get Monero without compromising your identity. I suggest looking or asking here: https://monero.town/c/monero
It's a waste of time to argue with fascists anyway.
Don't feed the trolls