Funny enough. We just built two SR20VET engines. And even funnier, they were both going into roadsters. Neither guy knows each other, we didn’t suggest the combo. Just a coincidence.
We’ve done a few 510s with SR20DE/DET engines now. We actually do a lot of SR engines, both VE/VET and DE/DET.
We’ve done L series too, but I can’t think of a KA we’ve done that ended up in a 510. Usually they stay in an S chassis.
We also built an SR20 that ended up in a 300XZ. Yeah….. I still question the thought process behind that one.
Unrelated, we also built a VQ35 for Dai Yoshihara in 3 days. Moto-IQ did an article about that one too.
I assume people putting themselves, or their personal shit in everyone’s way.
Yes Karen, you and your five friends, walking shoulder to shoulder, on the only place for people to walk, at a slow meander, DOES obstruct everyone else. And yes, I have somewhere to be, but even if I didn’t, get the fuck out of the goddamn way.