I'm conflicted: while I can pay these prices without much issue, it feels ridiculous that we have to. On top of not grandfathering 12 month membership costs - your most loyal members - I'm pretty pissed.
You beat me by a minute with the same frustration
Happy as I am to see nearly a 100 million vegans, I wonder if the plot was made to be intentionally misleading. The pie chart has the vegan slice pulled out and enlarged - it's not even close to the real proportion... Also, out of curiousity, where'd you get the numbers?
I'll try out Typst. If it works well, I'll definitely switch from LaTeX.
We have integrity changes all the time. Usually only game balance and new content is polled. This is fine, let the malders mald and they'll forget in a week.
Good riddance. I imagine this would be hard to check, though.
I want to see this meme format take off.
Good changes here. Mahogany homes is going to be much nicer and nail beasts dropping more nails is great.
I dont know why I find this so funny.
Not familiar with your situation in Australia, but perhaps see if you can get some free legal advice.
Thank you for the comment. I heavily resonate with the last part. I don't come to vegan communities online to be bombarded with non-vegans making the same terrible arguments, I have enough of that in real life. Leaving Lemmy seems like a more attractive option.
Your "source" links the 79 million number to a mens styling website that does not link any study.