Hat in Time is perfect for this.
Also to add: Aquaria, quite old but it's kinda nice. EDF if you willing to play as Wing Diver only. Iconoclast if you're into metroidvania. Metroid Prime remaster if you have a switch. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is pretty nice. Transistor but i don't really dig it, maybe you'll like it. Orc Must Die 2 if you only play as Sorcerer. La Mulana 2 if you wanna torture yourself and confuse your daughter π
Hey, thank you for this, i was trying to get it up and running on my window machine following the instructions from join-lemmy site and couldn't get it work at all, but this one deploy in minute!
Anyway, since i'm just trying to mess with the setting i didn't get a domain for it, is there anyway setting i need to change so i can host it locally?