
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Nice, I love a good battle jacket

[–] 9 points 5 months ago

I really like being able to do basic tailoring. Like, I grew up surrounded by media that made me view my body as flawed because of all the ways it deviated from the norm. The combo of broad shoulders and big boobs made it impossible to find fitting clothes that weren't a tent on me. Being able to modify garments that I find, and repair the few items that fit me perfectly has been a big confidence boost.

Missing out on seeing this stuff on social media is probably for the best - a lot of craft content on social media tends to be very "influencer" shaped, where the goal is to make beautiful things look effortless, and that can be demoralising when it's all you see.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Thanks for not deleting your comment

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

A few years ago, I read about how Mary Molony was an Irish Suffragette who disrupted a speech Winston Churchill was giving in Dundee by ringing a bell every time he tried to speak. She wanted him to apologise for remarks he had made about the women's suffrage movement.

I remember when I read this, it reeked of something awesome that you find online that's actually false (the story was shared on social media via a captioned photo with no sources), so I went digging for a proper source to check. I found some newspaper articles from 1908 and I learned that this event did happen, but also that people fucking hated Molony for this. There was a lot of "see, this is why everyone hates the Suffragettes". (Sorry for saying this and then not sourcing)

It makes sense that people would be salty - Churchill was an asshole, but also a great orator, so I can see why one might be disappointed in missing the chance to see him speak, but I was shocked at the level of vitriol aimed at Molony and other Suffragettes from the time. Until this I hadn't realised just how unpopular they were at the time. It's drastically changed my perspective on protests and public perception.

[–] 18 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I wish you well for whatever remains of recovering from the illness, it sounds like you've had a rough time.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

I love the word "Epochalypse", from the wiki page you linked

[–] 6 points 9 months ago

Pro tip, next time you shave your legs, change your bedsheets. Freshly shaved legs on fresh bedsheets feels divine. Also, make sure you exfoliate

Source: I'm a cis woman who started out shaving my legs because expectations, then didn't for a while because fuck the patriarchy, then started shaving legs again, for myself rather than expectations.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

Yeah, that's how I use it too. Like sometimes, I feel like the cards are calling me out, but it's actually just me calling myself out.

It reminds me of how I give great advice to my friends that I may not always follow myself. Tarot feels like a way of getting distance between me, the advice giver, and me, the dumbass who desperately needs to follow the advice

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

I think you've excellently captured the difference here. I didn't get heavily into Elite Dangerous, but on one of my longest journeys, I scanned a few things that no-one had ever scanned before. I didn't discover any awesome looking space phenomena that would be worth sharing (at least, none that hadn't been discovered before), but the prospect that I could was exciting.

Even just the idea that my name would be on other people's screens if they came and scanned the same things I did, because we were all sharing the same world.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago (5 children)

I don't generally like AI generated images, but this is great

[–] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

This is just needlessly hostile. You seem to dislike America, but imagine if the things that you dislike could change and America could be better. The article linked is a part of the process to understand and hopefully change things so that this kind of awfulness never happens.

Why be so unkind? You and OP appear to be on the same side, wrt being against gun violence.


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