Didn't they recently get bought by Canva? Not saying that's a good or bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind.


Note that these are not all FOSS.

  • Photo Editing:

    • GIMP
    • Krita
    • Paint.NET
  • Video Editing:

    • DaVinci Resolve
    • CapCut
    • Shotcut
  • Audio Editing:

    • Audacity
    • Cakewalk
    • GarageBand
  • 3D Graphics:

    • Blender
    • Spline
    • Rumba
  • Office Software:

    • LibreOffice
    • Microsoft 365 Free Apps
    • WPS Office
  • Antivirus Software:

    • Windows Security
    • Avast Free Antivirus
    • Malwarebytes
  • Productivity Tools:

    • Bitwarden
    • VSCodium
    • PDF-XChange Editor
    • 7-Zip
    • OBS Studio
    • LanguageTool

I think migrating is the hardest part. My email history has a lot of important records and notes that I don't want to lose.

By the way, I recommend checking out this video, which makes a great point that email is inherently insecure, regardless of the provider you choose.


Don't fret, I think a lot of us are on a long-term journey to de-Google. I've actually found that changing browsers is one of the easiest things to do, especially with the ability to import your bookmarks and such. With Firefox Sync, you pretty much have the same functionality as you would with your Google account signed into Chrome.

What engine does it use?

[-] AnActOfCreation@programming.dev 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I have no idea. I'd guess not, as it's not a strong fork like other Chromium-based browsers. Its main selling point is that it's nearly identical to Chrome, but with a lot of the Google garbage stripped out. I don't use it as a daily driver, but only when I need something Chromium-based like the use case mentioned by @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml. It's very likely to work wherever Chrome does.

They expect most users to not care, and sadly they're right.

If you still need Chrome, consider Ungoogled Chromium!


Reminder to switch browsers if you haven't already!

  • Google Chrome is starting to phase out older, more capable ad blocking extensions in favor of the more limited Manifest V3 system.
  • The Manifest V3 system has been criticized by groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation for restricting the capabilities of web extensions.
  • Google has made concessions to Manifest V3, but limitations on content filtering remain a source of skepticism and concern.

Wow I almost forgot the original name! I was skeptical it would catch on, as name changes are very hard, but fortunately it was very early on and I bet a lot of other people have forgotten as well.

I don't understand what this is, can you explain? Apologies if it's obvious.


Will that work even if the plane registration is private/anonymized? Sure you can know where every plane is, but can you know whose it is?

I run a "public" instance with basic auth so I can use it from anywhere (phone, work). I've made my instance my default search engine everywhere. (I know basic auth is not the most secure but I wouldn't even really care it other people used my instance; I just don't want it hammered.)

  • Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, does not believe in cryptocurrencies, calling them a vehicle for scams and a Ponzi scheme.
  • Torvalds was once rumored to be Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, but he clarified it was a joke and denied owning a Bitcoin fortune.
  • Torvalds also dismissed the idea of technological singularity as a bedtime story for children, saying continuous exponential growth does not make sense.
  • NFL counter-scheduled massive matchups opposite CFP games on Dec. 21, historically held by NFL, airing on broadcast television.
  • CFP decided to battle on Saturday rather than during the work week in December, as scheduling was a major complication.
  • CFP should stand its ground against NFL, prioritize creating the best product for fans, optimistic about upcoming matchups.
  • /e/OS V2 is a de-Googled Android operating system with Android Auto support, UI enhancements, and privacy improvements.
  • The update includes features like a new launcher app, App Lounge app store with privacy ratings, and a "wall of shame" for tracking apps.
  • Based on LineageOS 20, /e/OS 2.0 offers bug fixes, security updates, and performance enhancements, along with device-specific improvements.
  • Google Cloud accidentally deleted UniSuper's account and backups, causing a major data loss and downtime for the company.
  • UniSuper was able to recover data from backups with a different provider after the incident.
  • The incident highlighted the importance of having safeguards in place for cloud service providers to prevent such catastrophic events from occurring.
  • Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker criticized Pride Month and suggested women should stay in the kitchen during a commencement address.
  • Butker has had a successful career in the NFL, but his views on gender roles and Pride Month have sparked controversy.
  • He also criticized the "church of nice" and expressed his beliefs in speaking truth despite going against diversity and inclusion.
  • Proton Mail assisted Spanish authorities in identifying and arresting a member of the Catalan independence organization Democratic Tsunami.
  • The company's end-to-end encrypted email platform aims to protect user data, but recent events suggest potential vulnerabilities.
  • Proton Mail was also required to provide user data to Swiss authorities for a separate case involving a French climate activist, emphasizing the importance of proper Operational Security measures.

Also obligatory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH626CXyNtE


The first Neuralink implant in a human malfunctioned after several threads recording neural activity retracted from the brain, the Elon Musk-owned startup revealed Wednesday.

The threads retracted in the weeks following the surgery in late January that placed the Neuralink hardware in 29-year-old Noland Arbaugh’s brain, the company said in a blog post.

This reduced the number of effective electrodes and the ability of Arbaugh, a quadriplegic, to control a computer cursor with his brain.

“In response to this change, we modified the recording algorithm to be more sensitive to neural population signals, improved the techniques to translate these signals into cursor movements, and enhanced the user interface,” Neuralink said in the blog post.

The company said the adjustments resulted in a “rapid and sustained improvement” in bits-per-second, a measure of speed and accuracy of cursor control, surpassing Arbaugh’s initial performance.

While the problem doesn’t appear to pose a risk to Arbaugh’s safety, Neuralink reportedly floated the idea of removing his implant, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The company has also told the Food and Drug Administration that it believes it has a solution for the issue that occurred with Arbaugh’s implant, the Journal reported.

The implant was placed just more than 100 days ago. In the blog post, the company touted Arbaugh’s ability to play online computer games, browse the internet, livestream and use other applications “all by controlling a cursor with his mind.”

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