
joined 1 year ago
[–] AccountMaker 6 points 3 weeks ago

Oh wow. I actually thought about bringing this up somewhere, but it was late and I went to sleep, I didn't know that there was already a post. On one hand I'm glad this got out, on the other hand it saddens me that this likely did a lot of damage to both the community and the view of anarchists in general, since it takes just one person like this to overshadow 10 anarchists willing to have conversations in good faith. But we are where we are now, what's left is to see how we move forward. Thanks for the mention

[–] AccountMaker 4 points 3 weeks ago

In an anarchist community, it's anarchists who should decide what sort of content and posts they want in their community, not a bunch of electioneering liberals who want to swamp the entirety of lemmy with their US-centric liberal viewpoints.

As far as I know, nobody complained about anything in the community, only the mod who decided to remove half of the comments, ban people making reasonable comments and locked the thread.

This wasn't a case of someone going to an anarchist community and starting arguments about why strong central authority is necessary or whatever, when you make a post, you don't use your mod powers to pick and choose which comments you like, which you don't and then lock the tread with a grand total of 10 comments.

And if anyone was swamping lemmy, it was the mod who posted like 15 anti-Harris memes within one hour and made it half of the local slrpnk feed that day.

[–] AccountMaker 3 points 3 weeks ago

Certainly behaves like one. There's absolutely nothing about the broader meaning of 'not-voting' or alternatives or resources for direct action, it's one person spamming memes against people voting for Harris and then getting into comment fights. Today that same person went on a censoring and banning spree in the anarchist community. It's really sad that got to this moment, I was really happy with my instance otherwise.

[–] AccountMaker 3 points 3 weeks ago

There is also the popular: "The smart and hard working farmers were rich, so they were killed by the commies, and only the lazy and stupid ones were left. Since they were lazy and didn't know how to work, food production was lower and that created the famine!"

It reads so much like a crappy fairytale that I can't understand how people believe in that

[–] AccountMaker 5 points 3 weeks ago
[–] AccountMaker 6 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Oooh, I didn't think of that. "Eat all you want without gaining weight with this one simple trick"

[–] AccountMaker 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I came here to mention her. She should be a case study on how to write believable, badass and strong characters

[–] AccountMaker 4 points 1 month ago

At some point in my adult life I realized that I could make semolina with milk whenever I want. I just cook it in milk to the desired thickness and eat it like that. Love it

[–] AccountMaker 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Though you really need the ability to stay calm and collected. I once tried to talk with a childhood friend who became a hardcore christian and nationalist in the meantime, and I just couldn't believe the things I heard.

When I asked him why would the bible be a definitive source of whatever, he said "You can only have one truth, and if you live by the bible you know it to be true, so it is the truth". There were so many things wrong with that line of thought, my brain received a ddos attack and had to reboot.

Same thing for homosexuals. He, in a very very creepy way I must say, told an entire story of how normal men who are sexual deviants eventually get tired of women because they need to do increasingly more sickening things, and then move on to men. That's how men become gay.
How the hell do you reply to someone who just completely made up a story and believes in it? When I eventually asked how is the Netherlands not burning to the ground when they are tolerant, he actually said "Not yet". So, if any Dutch person is reading this, better brace for gay armageddon or something. I just can't figure out what to say to someone who literally spends 10 mins saying nothing. I eventually stopped interacting with him because I just don't have the energy (this was just an example, I had dozens of interactions like that with him)

Or when a colleague said that the Ukranian civilians were happy when the Russians came to save them. My head temperature increased 10 degrees and I just turned around and left. You really need special skills to talk to people like that, which I sadly lack

[–] AccountMaker 17 points 1 month ago

Yeah, but for example, IEEE conference paper templates explicitly state "The word 'data' is plural, not singilar". So if you use it with a singular verb you will receive this post in an email and you can only say thank you and change it.

[–] AccountMaker 3 points 1 month ago

I literally started due to lemmy posts. I just went in order and watched TOS and TNG. Now I'm going through DS9. I'm really glad I did, because it's amazing!

[–] AccountMaker 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Exactly my thoughts. You could copy that speech from the beginning, replace every instance of Germany/Germans with Russia/Russians, replace Poland with Ukraine, and you'll have milions of people nodding as saying: "Yes, that makes sense, defend Russia!"


Ispostavilo se da ovde ima dosta linuksaša, pa me zanima da li imate neke posebne utiske o pojedinim distribucijama? Šta koristite i zašto, šta ne koristite više i zašto?

Ja sam jedno vreme menjao distribucije više puta nedeljno, ali ovo su mi utisci koji su ostali:

Debian - Najstabilniji OS koji je možda jedini koji mi je ikad crash-ovao. Za moj hardver uvek traži da zasebno skinem neke firmware-e, ali apt mi je ostao kao omiljeni package manager.

Arch - Jako fina stvar što možeš tačno da biraš kako će ti izgledati sistem i što je jako dobra prilika da naučiš više o linuksu generalno, ali sam primetio kod mene da ako ne update-ujem povremeno, pacman više ne želi da sarađuje, neće da skida pakete. A i desi se nekad da mi javi "signatures broken" ili tako nešto, što me stvarno nervira kad ne palim laptop par nedelja i onda moram sat vremena da ga opravljam da bih skinuo nešto što mi treba na 5 min.

Solus - Najveća tragedija mojih mladalačkih dana. To je jedina distribucija koja mi apsolutno nikad nije pravila nikakve probleme, a ja sam je menjao za Deepin jer je debian based, ima najlepši DE out of the box i bio sam zavisnik od menjanja distribucija. Sad ne mogu Solus da pogledam u oči od srama.

Trenutno imam Fedoru i skroz mi je okej, nemam neke posebne komentare, ali želim nešto novo, nešto divlje. Pa kao bonus pitanje: je l' koristio neko NixOS (koji je izgleda popularan na lemmy-ju), Gentoo ili Slackware?

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