Same. Cannot unsee it.
Die SPD hackt jetzt back!
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
Slightly off-topic, please excuse the question:
I'm new to Fedora (and Linux Desktop in general) and saw the update for 40 yesterday. Is it save to simply hit the update button and let it do the update, or should I take any precautions, or anything afterwards which is expected to reset (settings, applications, etc? idk).
Data and such is savely backed up. That's not a concern.
Empfinde ich nicht so. Innerorts nehme ich sie eher gar nicht wahr und außerorts fädeln sie sich meines Empfindens zumeist zügig auf der mittleren oder rechten Spur ein. Ich nehme an um die Reichweite zu maximieren.
Ja die gleichen Leute die uns davor gewarnt haben nicht alles zu glauben was über die Mattscheibe flimmert glauben jetzt bereitwillig alles was in ihren Chats und Gruppen geteilt wird.
NZ is fucking huge. Look at how tiny Africa is, as seen right below in the picture.
In Deutschland gab es 2021 bei 50 Millionen Messstellen gerade man 160000 Smart Meter. Also weniger als 5%
Double edged sword, but yeah.
Acquisitions don't need to pay for themselves. Ideally they do, but sometimes it's enough if they just help the company's main business stay in business, or grow.
IBM is making $30bn+ in gross profit each year.
Throwing out / denying access to a civilian is not "causing an international incident".
Just as their PR can write up a calm statement why he was allowed, they could have come up with a calm statement why he wasn't.
Sports was never and will never be not political. See your Putin example, or the last world cup, or the taking a knee protests,...