OMG this amazing! Had to go find it on Google Earth just to check it out. Fantastic, thank you!
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A place to share pictures taken from above, that reveal interesting views, fascinating places or different angles to places.
I have made a short video describing how I take the pictures that I share, here
This is not a rule! You are welcome to share any aerial picture you feel is worth sharing. I just thought that maybe some of you may need a little help. It's really addictive once you get started!
(updated manually)
That's a prettier overhead picture!
The unpopulated husk of the town retained representation in Parliament until the reforms of the 19th century.
There was a TIL post about that which was what prompted me to look up Old Sarum and I saw the picture of it on Wikipedia and here we all are!
Wonderful. Thanks for posting.
You're very welcome.