This shocked the nation, as you can imagine. Its still talked about today, documentaries are still made
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As a father to a 2 year old boy, this is one event summary I couldn't make it through. If that were my kid I would have likely gone insane and gone on a killing spree of those kids parents and later those kids when they got out
Yeah, I don't blame you, this case is hard to stomach
I remember this though I wasn't aware of all the details of everything they did to the poor kid. It sickens me that a judge thought it was ok to release them but it wasn't ok to release their new identities. Where's karma when you need it.
I guess it's cuz they were 10 at the time? Idk, I don't envy the people who had to deal with this case
Later in the article, it goes over how one of the boys, Venables, was arrested multiple times and two of those times were for possession of CSAM and the government is still trying to keep his identity secret. They even considered resettling him outside the country:
In late June 2019, it was reported that British officials had considered resettling Venables in Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, due to the high costs behind protecting his anonymity. British authorities had reportedly spent £65,000 in legal fees to keep Venables' identity a secret. In response to media coverage, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern remarked that, due to his criminal history, Venables would need an exemption under New Zealand's Immigration Act 2009, and that he should "not bother" applying.
I mean, they had some of the longest juvenile sentences ever given. You can't keep someone in forever.
If anything known about their upbringing inside the families? I can not believe that 10yo boys come up with these things themself. There must be a in-family backstory to that