It is very, very seldom that I remember my dreams. The last that I can recall remembering in the morning was some months ago - possibly over a year. I don't remember what it was about though.
When I do remember them, they are typically static tableaux: the final scene after something had happened. A couple that I do recall were:
I was driving somewhere along a motorway and realised that the car wasn't actually moving, but the scenery was rushing past. After sticking my head out to confirm this, I eventually got out and stood on the road beside my car - with other cars in front and behind. The scene I remember was me standing there scratching my head with the car door open and the scenery still rushing silently past and having no idea what to do next.
I had left a party of some kind which was in a flat in a large modern building and had got lost on my way to the lifts/stairs. I ended up opening a door and finding myself in some dark void which seemed to be between floors - with slivers of light coming up between the ceiling boards between the joists (which is entirely the wrong kind of ceiling for a modern building of that type, but...) and there were massive cobwebs and diagonal roof joists etc etc and there were also wiry, ragged, shadowy not-quite-people who had stopped and were looking at me as I had interrupted their dance...