submitted 7 months ago by ijeff@lemdro.id to c/technology@lemmy.world
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[-] Nobody@lemmy.world 401 points 7 months ago

These tech companies have underestimated their utility. They are mostly providing mindless time wasters. If you try to charge money or create inconvenience, people will look for something else to do.

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere. The VC grow-at-all-costs business model is fundamentally flawed. It doesn’t scale when profitability becomes a priority.

[-] umbrella@lemmy.ml 183 points 7 months ago

i think you mean "overestimated"

[-] Supervisor194@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere.


My attention is all the currency YouTube will ever get from me - and it should be enough. If I post videos to YouTube (for nothing in return) and I talk to people about videos I saw on YouTube or link them to videos - then I am a net gain for Google and they should treat me as such. If anything, they should be working (nicely) to try to get me to want to pay (or view ads) and just be thankful I'm there if I don't pay (or view ads). Instead they've chosen to work at ensuring everyone is so goddamn pissed off at their bullshit that they'd rather make it their full-time job to never give them another dime. Good job, Google! Smart!

Edit: Oh look, half a dozen lectures about how Google has to make money somehow. Hi there YouTube shills, I thought I would see you here.

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[-] mojo@lemm.ee 237 points 7 months ago

There are no better adblockers, uBlock Origin is all you need and is already updated to bypass it.

[-] calcopiritus@lemmy.world 113 points 7 months ago

Unlock origin is the adblocker that people are installing. There are a lot of people with shitty adblockers out there, I guess they are switching.

[-] cm0002@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

I bet all those people with shitty adblockers are also probably googling better ad/YT compatible blockers lmaoo

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[-] ohlaph@lemmy.world 187 points 7 months ago

After YouTube started filling their search results with mostly shorts, I stopped using it for new stuff. It's terrible now.

[-] Rakonat@lemmy.world 63 points 7 months ago

Yeah youtubes attempt at being tiktok is just awful and they don't even have options to not have shorts show up in the feed. On top of shorts just being inferior versions of regular videos without functional controls

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 84 points 7 months ago

This is what gets me. Wanna show me shorts? Ok. But why the fuck am I not allowed to rewind a couple of seconds if I want to? It's an artificial, completely useless limitation that had no place in 2023.

So, no thanks.

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[-] Whirling_Cloudburst@lemmy.world 40 points 7 months ago

I started blocking those from appearing when they first showed up. There are a number of ways to do it. The Blocktube extension is one.

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[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 155 points 7 months ago

Didn’t know about SponsorBlock until all this started. So many just found out ad blocking is possible.

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[-] Zacryon@feddit.de 150 points 7 months ago

There’s also the option of biting the bullet and paying for YouTube Premium.

No. Never. I'd rather stop using YT at all than giving in to coerced user-tracking.

[-] NoRodent@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

I mean, I might have considered paying for YT premium if I thought it offered some value (other than disabling ads) but I won't sure as hell pay for anything that any company is trying to blackmail me into.

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[-] Moobythegoldensock@lemm.ee 131 points 7 months ago

I love that all the centralized social media networks are scrambling to become shitty for profits right around the time users are realizing that they don’t need centralized servers to host their user-generated content. Users can take their content wherever they want and let these platforms die.

[-] nicoweio@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago

I'm not sure if we manage to do the same for video though; hosting these costs a lot more.

[-] Muffi@programming.dev 40 points 7 months ago

Maybe we don't need 4K 60FPS video to show Mr. Beast giving away more crap. Just because we can up the quality, doesn't mean we should. Or maybe client-side real-time AI upscaling will make this a non-issue.

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[-] SirEDCaLot@lemmy.today 33 points 7 months ago

This 100%. Look at forums. Back in the early days, there were lots of little independent forums. Sites like Reddit took over because you could easily keep your identity across multiple forums and see the content from all your communities on one page. We gained convenience, but didn't think too hard about what we were losing or who we were losing it to. Then along came enshittification and we are collectively realizing what we lost. Federation is of course the solution. As I see it, the only missing piece is monetization. Platforms like YouTube make it easy to monetize page views, Twitter / X is doing the same. That's much harder in the fediverse.

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[-] TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world 97 points 7 months ago

Youtube is a perfect example of why ad blockers exist. They use ridiculous ad volumes and spy on their users for data to sell.

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[-] fne8w2ah@lemmy.world 90 points 7 months ago
[-] Lianodel@ttrpg.network 38 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I love that, in a competition between a corporation worth hundreds of billions of dollars and a FOSS project, all Google managed to do was annoy uBlock Origin users for like a week. I just had to manually update the extension and restart my browser a few times.

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[-] andy_wijaya_med@lemmy.world 84 points 7 months ago

And they increased the fucking price for YouTube premium.

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[-] Blaster_M@lemmy.world 83 points 7 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Meanwhile, Youtube engineers and uBlock Origin volunteers are in a war of attrition, updating both the website (youtube, to block ublock) and uBlock Origin (the ad blocker, to unblock the ublock blocker) multiple times a day every day

[-] grue@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I feel like uBlock Origin has been coming out ahead more often than not. I haven't had to manually refresh my lists for the last few days.

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[-] r3df0x@7.62x54r.ru 81 points 7 months ago

Ublock Origin works

Brave is ass

[-] gapbetweenus@feddit.de 71 points 7 months ago

Switched finally to ff. So I guess thank you google.

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[-] disconnectikacio@lemmy.world 68 points 7 months ago

Spread the word to install firefox based browser, use different frontends to block youtube ads in browser, Invidious and use piped youtube apps on android to block youtbe ads: Newpipe

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[-] AMillionNames@sh.itjust.works 58 points 7 months ago

I had uBlock Origin installed since forever, are people just finding out about it?

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[-] silencioso@lemmy.world 54 points 7 months ago

NewPipe in my mobile and FreeTube in my desktop. Fuck you Google

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[-] maquise@ttrpg.network 48 points 7 months ago

Just this morning all the posts (here on Lemmy) were about how everyone was uninstalling their adblockers.

[-] Voroxpete@sh.itjust.works 132 points 7 months ago

People should be uninstalling Chrome instead.

Adblocking still works fine on Firefox. Just update your UBO filters.

[-] Subverb@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

I literally have un-installed chrome. I had to use it on an office machine today and it felt weird.

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[-] ThunderWhiskers@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago

Why the fuck would anyone uninstall their ad blocker just because one site demands it? Whitelists exist for a reason.

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[-] yukichigai@kbin.social 50 points 7 months ago

That article was full of such blatantly misleading crap. Headline talks about record number of adblocker uninstalls, but the actual data says it was an uptick in both installs and uninstalls. In other words it was people cycling through different adblockers trying to find one that still worked.

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[-] Pons_Aelius@kbin.social 43 points 7 months ago

And that didn't mention ublock origion, the blocker that still works...

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[-] WindowsEnjoyer@sh.itjust.works 48 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They should fucking do an experiment - 2€/$ a month for an ad-free subscription and 3€/$ a month for higher video quality+no ads subscription. I would fucking pour my money into it.

Oh wait, that would not solve lack of sponsorblock. I guess I am not interested then...

[-] DV8@lemmy.world 36 points 7 months ago

They literally had that experiment with Premium Light. €6 for ad free watching, it was all I needed. But they literally sent out a mail they were stopping this tier right before they started implementing more anti-ad blocking measures.

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[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 42 points 7 months ago

Not everybody is.

That's the thing, even if 95% of users currently using ad blockers block ads anyway or leave the service, YouTube still wins big.

They aren't worried at all about alienating users from which they can't extract ad revenue. Those on the margin that turn off ad blockers or subscribe to a paid plan are the target, not everyone else.

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[-] ElBarto@sh.itjust.works 39 points 7 months ago

So today I've seen this article saying YouTube failed and another saying they've succeeded because of record uninstalls of adblockers.

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[-] affiliate@lemmy.world 38 points 7 months ago

who could have seen this coming

[-] sagrotan@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

I don't know what the whole fuzz was / is about, it's years now that I unwillingly watched ads, anywhere. So easy, piehole, newpipe, avoid any Microsoft shit, you just have to be ready to learn a bit, it's not rocket science. Ok, rocket science helped, but that's not the point...

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[-] yuunikki@lemmy.dbzer0.com 36 points 7 months ago
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[-] trslim@pawb.social 35 points 7 months ago

I dont even mind ads when its like one minute for 20 minutes of footage. Pluto TV is free to use and has commercial breaks but they never really bother me because they aren't that annoying and i get a lot of MST3K before I watch them. Youtube ad are cancer in comparison.

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[-] dasgoat@lemmy.world 34 points 7 months ago

The race is on. Bitch.

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this post was submitted on 04 Nov 2023
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