If you do it right, they grow up and still want to help others.
Welcome to the wholesome side of the internet! This community is for those searching for a way to capture virtue on the internet.
whole·some meme hōl-səm\mēm
A meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul.
A meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate.
A meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy.
A meme with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive.
Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.
Please note, Moderators reserve the right to remove any post for any reason.
Community Rules
Must be a wholesome meme All posts must be wholesome memes: uplifting, life-affirming, or nice-ing up a rude meme. Photos or screenshots without superimposed text, as well as social media posts, are not memes.
Be general, not specific Memes should be relatable, with universally uplifting themes. Avoid posts that promote an ideology, religion, or brand over others, & posts that show individuals' politeness without some universal theme. Memes about controversial themes, people, and/or institutions are not allowed either.
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No trolling, harassing, or general rudeness Please no trolling, harassment, rudeness, or behaviour unbecoming of the wholesome users we know you to be. Keep comments civil and be respectful of your fellow users. Be nice. This is a happy place. No proselytizing. Keep your religion, your politics, your diet, and any other crusade you might carry to yourself. We come here to get away from arguing and politics and the like, so please respect that by keeping your agendas to yourself.
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Low Effort Meme Please do not submit low effort memes or mention upvotes in your post.
This includes "Let's get this to the front page!" type posts, "You have been visited by", "people who sort by new", "stop scrolling", Low effort memes include: Skyrim "Wholesome 100", "You're Breathtaking", Thanos "That does put a smile on my face", [happiness noises], Fallout [Everybody liked that], and "Because that's what heroes do". This isn't an exhaustive list, but I think you get the idea!
No reposts Avoid posting memes that have already been posted to this sub. Fresh content is vital. We may allow a repost at our discretion, if it has not already been a frontpage post, and if it has been over 6 months since it was last posted here. Do not spam or post more than 3 memes in a 24 hour period.
Please make an effort with your title Set your post up for success. "Does this fit here?" helps nobody. Being funny or descriptive helps. And trying is good.
And if I do it left?
Then they grow up and want to help others, but this time it's bad because socialism.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I once took my now teen daughter to the park when she was around 3-4 years old. She was on the swings and another girl of similar age walked over and gets on the swing next to her. We had never met or seen this girl before.
They simultaneously look at each other and without any words started holding hands while they both slowly swayed back and forth on the swings. To this day I still think of this fondly and think adults could learn a lot from children in the open heart category.
That is so sweet, thanks for sharing!
Y'know, usually I get annoyed at adults when they try to randomly help me when I don't want or need help. Now, because of this, I am just going to act like they have as pure of an intent as a toddler and treat them accordingly.
It's a good outlook to have. When you assume people have good intentions it makes a world of difference.
If you want to reward me with chocolate buttons I'll gladly accept
That would also help your own stress levels, being annoyed at strangers is a pathway to long term stress and relieving that is very healthy
My personal headcanon is that every person weaving in and out of traffic on the highway is desperate to get to the hospital before their child is born. It helps me keep calm.
My littlest person knows I deal with chronic pain and sometimes on my bad days when I'm bemoaning my back, she'll come up and start rubbing my back in a very serious and professional way. It does absolutely nothing perceptible physically but it lights up my day so I always make sure to thank her for the excellent massage. She always replies in an equally professional way that I'm welcome. 🥰
Yesterday my 4yo asked me to fold his sweatshirt for him when he was changing in the kindergarten. I said I would help him but I don't know how. He smiled and explained it to me, perfectly folding it in the process.
This is why lemmy is great, IDK why but Reddit just seems to hate children
It's very much a problem here too.
I think it's a combo of things. Lots of ppl had bad upbringings and don't realize it didn't have to be that way or have been around kids raised by poor parenting and think bad behaviour is the default, many people can't afford kids or even a stable place for them to live today, and the rest think the world is the worst it's ever been because they've never read a history book and so can't imagine bringing a kid into that.
I've got a toddler. It's great. It's hard work but for every minute I put in I get so much back.
Sounds like an American thing to me.
Nah I'm European and hate kids.
Thank you for lighting up the world a little
30 years later she'll still cringe remembering that time she lectured an adult about elevator buttons.
Of course not. Who’s ashamed of things they did as a toddler?
Hey, I don't mean this as an accusation or an insult or anything. From personal experience, therapy helps with what you're talking about.
No offense taken, but I think it's good to feel bad about dumb stuff I did.