[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 day ago

Unicycles are clearly more dangerous than skis.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 2 points 2 days ago

Yes. It’s fakeception all the way.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 6 points 3 days ago

After all, there are fake doctors, so why not fake patients too? There’s also fake medicine, so all of it should work out perfectly.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 12 points 4 days ago

No internal organs either! Looks like they were all scooped out, as if this dino was being prepared for mummification.

There’s also a clear fracture line in the chest. My guess is that’s where the chest pain was coming from.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You’re right that there are many big differences. Launching a rocket into space could be compared with building a major cathedral back in the day. People did both, but not very often, because those projects are very demanding. Ships were also super expensive, but we built those all the time, so obviously the requirements weren’t quite as high.

Also attitudes have shifted quite a lot in the recent centuries, so losing a few sailors isn’t quite the same as losing an astronaut. Nowadays, safety is taken a lot more seriously which makes the project even more expensive.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 2 points 5 days ago

That’s a very good addition. The old filters are still there and any one of them could still come back and bite us. However, when better technology becomes available, the older filters become less and less of a problem. Let’s take the bioweapons as an example. At the moment, we can develop cures and vaccines, but that technology has its limits. Perhaps one day our biotech is advanced enough that stopping a bioweapon from harming the citizens is as trivial as updating some software and changing a few passwords. Likewise, the climate catastrophe becomes less and less of an issue if the species is no longer bound to a single planet, but can also thrive in space.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 4 points 5 days ago

Will this antimatter reactor consume the entire planet?

Meh, probably not.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I’ve been running Fedora on a desktop for many years, and recently I finally got tired of the updates not working. Sure, it’s nice to have GUI, but if you end up using the terminal anyway to actually get stuff done, can you really say the GUI is helping a new users.

Many years before that, I also experimented with a bunch of different distributions to see if there’s anything I can recommend to a new user. Manjaro was pretty close, but you end up using the terminal anyway, because you’ll eventually run into some weirds stuff that requires terminal intervention.

Mint was slightly better, because you didn’t need the terminal quite as often and installing proprietary drivers through the GUI was easy and it actually worked. That’s why, at the time, Mint was the only distro I could recommend to just about anyone. Most people would still need some help installing the distro, but once it’s up and running Mint is likely to give you fewer headaches than other distributions.

All the other distros I’ve tried absolutely needed some terminal time every now and then. If the user needs a smoother experience with less time tweaking and hacking, Windows would be my first recommendation. However, it’s all a matter of priorities. How much do you value your free time or privacy. Are you interested technology at all. Those sorts of questions determine if Linux is a viable candidate.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 21 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yep. That’s the Great Filter concept. Certain stages on the evolutionary path may lead to extinction, and only the smartest species are able to pass the filter unharmed. In our case, the discovery of fossil fuels and nuclear weapons may be those kinds of stages.

Imagine what happens if we pass this filter and become an intergalactic species. Maybe one day we’ll start tinkering with technology capable of destroying a star, galaxy or the entire universe. If we are smart enough to squeeze energy out of the very fabric of space, we might also be dumb enough to cause the entire universe to collapse or something like that.

It’s a proposed solution to the fermi paradox. The idea is that we don’t see aliens out there in the stars, because they all nuked themselves to oblivion at some stage. Maybe they never reached the stars, before they destroyed their home planet. Maybe they blew up their own star and didn’t reach another one in time. Maybe their entire galaxy got sucked into a home-made black hole.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 0 points 6 days ago

Technically correct.

[-] Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Is there a community where we can post whatever the popular opinion happens to be at the time? A sister community for !unpopularopinion@lemmy.world seems to be increasingly necessary.

Any news? (sopuli.xyz)

Would like to know more about what’s going on with the development of this app? Any plans? How are things going? What sort of things will be the primary focus in the near future?

The tiles (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

Spoiler, there’s more.

Location: Finland, Helsinki, Pukinmäki railway station

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz to c/coffee@lemmy.world

If you're not quite sure about getting into coffee, you can get started with a small budget, and you can make a nice cup of coffee that way. Probabaly not a great cup, but a cup of coffee you'll find enjoyable at the time. Once you start experimenting with different variables and digging a bit deeper into different flavors, you may notice that you're not getting the same cup every time. That's when you start pushing the limit of what's possible with the equipment you have available, and you'll realize that using a cheap grinder is sort of like making you play this game in the hard mode.

Examples: Using a cheap blender type grinder (blade grinder) means you can easily chop coffee to some unknown random particle size. You don’t pay much, but at least you can use recently roasted whole bean coffee, which is great. If you want to adjust the particle size in a specific way, that’s when it gets very tricky. Did you grind one second longer than last time? Too bad, now it’s way too fine and you’re getting a bitter cup as a result. Fortunately, you can easily fix that with milk, but as you start noticing more details in the taste profile, you start demanding more and more. Consequently, fixing mistakes with milk won’t be as appealing as it once was.

Using a cheap hand grinder is a lot better than an electric blender. Once you set the screw at a specific position, you’ll get the same particle size every time, which is great for consistency. What if you decide to use a french press today, but tomorrow you want to switch back to pour over, moka pot or AeroPress? Too bad, the grinder has no markings on it, so you’ll just have to eye-ball the setting and hope for the best. That’s obviously easier than timing your blender perfectly every time, but it’s still not exactly easy to get great results.

The solution: Eventually you’ll want to buy a burr grinder (electric or manual) with clear markings for different grind sizes.

When to invest? Don’t spend any more money on better gear until you’ve already “needed” better gear a few times in order to fix something you’ve noticed in your cup. As long as you’re relatively happy with your current gear and the cup it produces, there’s no need to spend more on this hobby. However, when you start noticing new things, that’s the right time to buy something that really addresses a specific thing you have in mind.

Summary: Get started with cheap gear and upgrade only when you think it’s necessary. Getting some random cup of coffee using cheap gear is easy, but getting a specific kind of cup with that gear is hard. Using more expensive gear will make it easier.

Something else? This is based on my personal experiences, and your experiences may differ. This rule of thumb might apply to grinders, but it is not guaranteed to apply to other types of equipment. For instance, I don’t own an espresso machine, so I have no idea how price is reflected on the end result in that case.


In my case, there are 95 packages that depend on zlib, so removing it is absolutely the last thing you want to do. Fortunately though, GPT also suggested refreshing the gpg keys, which did solve the update problem I was having.

You gotta be careful with that psycho!

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Here's some context for the question. When image generating AIs became available, I tried them out and found that the results were often quite uncanny or even straight up horrible. I ended up seeing my fair share of twisted fingers, scary faces and mutated abominations of all kinds.

Some of those pictures made me think that since the AI really loves to create horror movie material, why not take advantage of this property. I started asking it to make all sorts of nightmare monsters that could have escaped from movies such as The Thing. Oh boy, did it work! I think I've found the ideal way to use an image generating AI. Obviously, it can do other stuff too, but with this particular category, the results are perfect nearly every time. Making other types of images usually requires some creative promptcrafting, editing, time and effort. When you ask for a "mutated abomination from Hell", it's pretty much guaranteed to work perfectly every time.

What about LLMs though? Have you noticed that LLMs like chatGPT tend to gravitate towards a specific style or genre? Is it longwinded business books with loads of unnecessary repetition or is it pointless self help books that struggle to squeeze even a single good idea in a hundred pages? Is it something even worse? What would be the ideal use for LLMs? What's the sort of thing where LLMs perform exceptionally well?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

During covid times I heard many interesting conspiracy predictions such as the value is money will fall to zero, the whole society will collapse, the vaccine will kill 99% of the population etc. None of those things have happened yet, but can you add some other predicitons to the list?

Actually, long before covid hit, there were all sorts of predictions floating around. You know, things like the 2008 recession will cause the whole economy to collapse and then we’ll go straight to Mad Max style post-apocalyptic nightmare or 9/11 was supposed to start WW3. I can’t even remember all the predictions I’ve heard over the years, but I’m sure you can help me out. Oh, just remembered that someone said that paper and metal money will disappear completely by year xyz. At the time that date was like only a few years away, but now it’s more like 10 years ago or something. Still waiting for that one to come true…


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