We've done it! All the currently released frames are covered! I didn't really plan for what to actually do at this point... I'm open to suggestions! My current ideas are: I continue the threads only when a new frame or Prime releases (would probably need a new name as they definitely won't be weekly anymore) or I make a poll with some select warframes on every new thread and let the community vote on what frame they want to revisit next week. But enough about this, this is Koumei's thread after all!
I feel like this warframe is very polarizing. Depending whether you enjoy the chaos or randomness or prefer a more reliable and consistent playstyle, you'll either love her or hate her. I'm definitely the latter. Her 1st ability looks really cool with the thread spun up across the level geometry, but in gameplay is objectively useless. Not only will you struggle to get enemies to walk through the damned things on anything but the most cramped tilesets, because of how they are placed a lot of enemies will just walk right under the threads completely ignoring the ability. Each thread also only inflicts a single stack of whatever stats they rolled, absolutely useless. This is your subsume slot. Her 2nd ability takes the Duviri Decree mechanic and removes the two things that made it good - the passive 10% dmg and HP buff each decree gives and the ability to select from multiple ones. 90% of Decrees you get are going to be absolutely worthless to you, and good luck actually getting the challenges themselves done in a squad with a single competent damage frame. Rolled a Decree challenge you can't complete? Enjoy your 150s wait time! Her 3rd is a Revenant's 2 except entirely random. Depending on how the RNG gods feel, you can be an unkillable juggernaut or a paper mache frame that dies when an enemy looks at her. This is Xaku's 4 all over again, I don't like leaving my survivability up to chance. Her 4 is her best ability, but yet again you are entirely on the whims of RNG on whether you roll good statuses or not. Roll all 6? Congrats, you have an AoE nuke capable of dispatching lvl 200 Steel Path enemies with ease. Rolled anything but that? It's a cone-shaped Rhino's Stomp except the enemies move in an annoying matter making them more difficult to shoot. There is one good thing I can say about Koumei! She's available very early and thanks to that, teaches all new players a very valuable lesson - when you gamble, you never win.