Check out Lords of Chaos which is about the early Norwegian black metal scene.
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On my check-out list this spooky season!
Until the Light Takes Us is pretty good too for more of a documentary style look at it
Do note that it's based on an unauthorized history of the band that many people from the original scene denounced as a sensationalized account. That said, many of the worst parts are true.
Øystein called me up the next day ... and says, "Dead has done something really cool! He killed himself". I thought, have you lost it? What do you mean cool? He says, "Relax, I have photos of everything". I was in shock and grief. He was just thinking how to exploit it. So I told him, "OK. Don't even fucking call me before you destroy those pictures".[11]
M'kay, after reading some of the page I do think those people shouldn't have hung together
Friendly reminder that Varg is a free man
He served his sentence. Fuck that guy, but you can't really be angry about him being free. That's how the justice system works.
But mostly, fuck Varg. And euronymous. And basically everyone in that toxic environment they call a band.
A lot of people hated the film adaptation but I think it kind of paints them sympathetically (well, Euronymous mostly) as kids that were just trying to be too edgy for their own good.
Can't say the same for Varg, though. He's still a dick to this day.