I don’t live near there, but if you want to adopt one kitten, you should really consider getting 2 or maybe 3!
First, because kittens do best long-term when there’s more than one. They are accustomed to other cats, and they can play together, learn from each other, etc.
Second, because the amount of work doesn’t scale 1:1. If you have 2-3 kittens, you only need 2 litter boxes (you may be able to get away with 1, but it should be 1 box per 2 cats, plus 1 (so 2, whether you have 2 or 3). Nail clipping maybe, but overall effort isn’t that much higher if you start them young.
Third, because having multiple kittens is just awesome!
Fourth, if you really need a fourth reason, even if the first kitten you picked isn’t the right match for you, alone, there is better than even odds that one of the others will be!